Antics of breakfast

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wow it's been a while since i've posted here.. hi everyone!! how longs it been... like.. 2 years?? 1 year? idk. ANYWAYS here's a chapter!! go read my other zane~chan fanfic if u want too tehe. enjoy!

As the morning sun begun to rise, Zane awoke and remembered the wonderful night they had, which he'd never forget. He gently manoeuvred his body to stand without Kawaii~Chan noticing. Her sleeping frame was still, apart from the subtle movements of her breathing. He watched as he carefully tip-toed out of the room down the stairs.

As he reached the bottom he looked up to find himself looking at his best friend.

"Heyyy Zanie Wanie!" Aphmau spoke in a high pitched tone. "Where's KC?" She enquired.

"She's still asleep. I came down to make her some breakfast." he said with a smile. "I can imagine she'd be tired after last night.." he mumbled to himself, his cheeks reddening. Aphmau had already known what had happened and smirked.

"RIGHT, WELL. I'll leave you be." She smiled as she skipped down the corridor. Zane slapped his cheeks gently to rid himself of the blush, and continued towards the kitchen to whip up some yummy foods.

About an hour later, Zane had a tray full of an array of different food. More than the two of them could eat alone. He felt accomplished as he tidied up the kitchen, wiping down the surfaces and putting away the utensils.

He carefully picked up the trey and attempted to hold two glasses of orange juice with his other hand, which he was surprisingly successful at. He made his way up the stairs, cautious not to drop any food or spill their juice. As he reached their room, he turned around and pushed the door open with his foot. As he entered, he glanced over to the bed to see if his girlfriend was still sleeping, which she was, but he could tell that she was stirring, and quickly placed down the trey and the glasses, then quickly made his way to the bed, sitting down right next to Kawaii~Chan.

She looked up, still sleepy, and trailed her eyes around the room to check her surroundings, from the door, to the mirror, to the.. trey of food? Then she looked left to see Zane, her face lit up as she quickly sat up to hug him, the blanket falling from her porcelain skin, sudden realisation hit her as she remembered what had happened the night before. Her face beamed red as she hid under the cover, pulling it over herself cover up her bare skin.

Zane chuckled and placed a kiss upon her forehead which was covered by a bedsheet. "Cmon Nana. I made us breakfast."

She peeked over the cover and sat up, covering herself with the sheet accordingly as zane brought over two plates and handed one to her. She took it gratefully and smiled at him, taking a bite of the buttery toast.

Some time went by as the two chatted, laughed and ate their morning meal. Not surprisingly leaving some as there was enough to feed the whole island. The two set aside their treys and lay for a minute, too full to move too much. Until they heard the click of their door opening, the two sat up to see Aphmau peeking her head in. "I did knock." She said smiling, the two mustn't of heard her from listening to their own thoughts.

Aphmau made her way into the room. "So how was Zane's breakfast extravaganza Kc?" She questioned.

"It was amazing." Smiled Kawaii~Chan, doing a chefs kiss, however realising that she was still bare beneath her sheets, her face shone red once again as she attempted to cover herself up more.

"Don't worry, we know... We heard." She said teasingly, giggling as she made her way out of the room. Both of their faces shone with embarrassment, neither of them had realised that they had been loud last night.

"Okay we're definitely staying in today." Said Zane, a plain expression on his face. Kawaii~Chan hurriedly nodded her head in agreement, then glanced towards Zane, her embarrassed face turning to a look of amusement as they both begun to laugh, actually finding the situation they found themselves in rather funny.

OKAY. i wrote this in like 20 mins since it's pretty late lmao and i have work in the morning. ANYWAYS this story is NOT discontinued, i will be continuing to contribute to this fanfic and my others when i have spare time and motivation, if you're still reading this fic, tysm as it means a lot <333

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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