Back again?

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(A/N) Aaaa i've been getting so many more readers lately! I really appreciate it guys!! Also, i sincerely apologise for the long wait. With our current pandemic i've lost some family members and haven't been coping well. thanks for your patience!

"Can we just go to the beachhh??" Aphmau whined as she dragged Aaron down the corridor towards the main living space.

"Okay Aph, okay. Fine. We'll go to the beach." Aaron groaned, earning dodgy looks from the others who were waiting for them to decide where they were all going.

Kawaii~Chan jumped on the spot excitedly
"Eeeeeeeee!! Beach!" She squealed. Zane rolled his eyes at her, smiling at how cute he thought she was when she was excited.

Aphmau jumped on Aaron, wrapping her legs around his torso and whispering into his ear. "We will see our ship today" Her voice was childishly evil, which Aaron found adorable. He wiggled his eyebrows at her, earning a giggle. Aaron carried her to the door, picking up a duffle bag which lay next to the exit. The others followed their lead as they walked towards the golden sandy beach.

Once they arrived, Kawaii~Chan grabbed Zane by the hand and dragged him towards the water. "K-Kawaii~Chan! Slow down!" He spoke between laughs. However, the happiness didn't last for long, she froze and stared off to the left side of the beach, something or someone obviously had caught her eye.

"No.." She said quietly as she shook her head. Zane looked in that direction as he immediately noticed what she was looking at.


Zane instantly grabbed Kawaii~Chan's hand and rushed off back onto the main path with her, practically dragging her back to the villa. When they finally ended up outside the front door he slowed down to a walking pace and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry." His monotone voice shuddered.

"It's okay.. Thank you for getting me away from there." She closed in on him and hugged him tightly. Zane could sense her mood and she was clearly upset. He hugged her back.

"It's okay Kitten.. Look, for the rest of today we're gonna have fun together, okay?" At his statement Kawaii~Chan tilted her head in confusion. "You go upstairs and i'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"
She nodded her head and tore herself away from Zane, taking herself upstairs to their room.

Zane had been saving these for tonight but felt like this was a more appropriate time. He strode towards the fridge and took out a plate, filled with chocolate covered strawberries. He wasn't sure if she liked them or not, he was taking a shot in the dark. He had done it all himself so he was proud of his work.

Once taking the strawberries he made his way upstairs and opened the door to see Kawaii~Chan sitting on the edge of the bed, swinging her legs and looking up at the ceiling. He made a noise to get her attention, her ears perked up as her head quickly turned to his direction. She smiled lightly as he strode towards her, covering what was on the plate that he held.

"Close your eyessss"
"Wha.. Why?" Her voice trembled slightly, but she did as she was told.
"Now open your mouth." She did this, Zane carefully placed one of the chocolate strawberries in her mouth. She bit down and opened her eyes.

"Mmrh mmmrhh mrmrmrm!!" She let out excited muffles as she chewed on the strawberry. Zane smiled and giggled. Watching her face turn pink from embarrassment, Zane chuckled, trying to hold back an entire outburst of laughter, but seeing the situation, seeing this cute little mei'fwa enjoying and struggling to eating a sweet chocolate strawberry, he couldn't hold back. His laughter filled the room, which caused her to laugh as well. They messed on for the rest of the night, enjoying each others company.

(A/N) // Sorry for a short chapter!! I've been dealing with a lot lately, any ideas on where the story should go? I have writers block atm! xD

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