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🌷//(A/N) HII MY APHMAU CHILDREN!! I have completed my GCSE's and have 10 weeks to write my fanficts!!!! ;w; I'm gonna be starting a Miraculous Ladybug one soon since i really enjoy the show and adore the ship! ALSO WILL BE DOING A FNAF ONE!! I'm a major Fangle shipper so Foxy x Mangle takes the cake for FNaF. I have many ideas which i'm extremely excited to show everyone. Anyways, ENJOY!!

A few hours had passed and Zane had repeatedly stared and smiled at Kawaii~Chan as she slept in his arms. Without knowing that Aphmau had been watching him and plotting her revenge on Kawaii~Chan for her previous shipping shrine. A gentle smile curved into a sneaky grin as she slyly snapped a few photos of the oblivious, to-be couple. A few short giggles were released just before the captains announcement tuned in.

"All passengers put your seatbelts on and turn off all of your electrical devices. We should be landing in Starlight Wonderland in about three minutes time, thank you!"

~ Zane ~

I gently shook Kawaii~Chan once the announcement had finished. Her beautiful, amber eyes opened with hesitation as i smiled at her beneath my mask.

"We should be landing soon..!"

"Oh, okay Zane~Kun, thank you for waking Kawaii~Chan up.." She trailed off her words as she realised that she was in Zane's arms. Her body shot back as she flustered to get her seatbelt on, embarrassed about what had happened. Zane smiled at her sudden movements, knowing she was embarrassed and chuckled to himself.

Once the plane had landed the group made their way down the stairs and onto the platform. A wave of heat struck them, realising they were in a tropical paradise a few gasps and excited giggles were released throughout the walk towards the airport. Kawaii~Chan stayed close to Zane up until they reached their villa.

"Okay everyone! Me and Aaron have planned the room schedules. However they were modified in the past few hours due to other advancements" Aphmau announced slyly.

"Um, 'Advancements'?" Zane questioned.

"Yes! Advancements! So here it is." She cleared her throat and raised her voice slightly.

"Me and Aaron.. Obviously. Katelyn and Travis, Garroth and Kim, Zane and Kawaii~Chan, and Lucinda on her own since she requested it." Aphmau quickly glanced at Zane and Kawaii~Chan, seeing their faces then from intrigued to shocked. Zane's mask fell down, wide mouthed and frozen. And Kawaii~Chan's ears fell back as she lowered her blushing face in embarrassment. However Aphmau quickly grabbed Aaron's arm and dragged him upstairs before anything could be said.

It was shrugged off immediately as they both kept their heads down and walked side-by-side to their room. Zane finally spoke,

"This shouldn't be too bad, right? Like.. Cmon, it's not like we hate each other! I actually kinda dig this idea!" Zane spoke up in attempt to convince Kawaii~Chan.

"You're right Zane~Kun! This should be fun!" She spoke excitedly.

She glided over and sat on the bed. THE bed. Her face lit up like a light bulb when she noticed, and could tell by Zane's beaming-red face that he knew too. He sat next to her, ignoring the situation and acting casual.

Kawaii~Chan POV

He's okay with this?? What's even going onnn... This isn't like Zane at all! The Zane i know would have blew his top! And Aphmau would have been killed! Lets just.. See how this goes..

Third person POV

"Zane.. You're okay with this..?" She spoke nervously.

"Yes, surprisingly I am. If it was anyone else i would have gone ballistic. But, for some reason. I'm glad it's you." He smiled. "Also KC.. There's something i've been wanting to talk to you about.." Zane said rather nervously, She tilted her head as to say she was listening.

(I like to make Zane more assertive in my stories, so expect more stuff like this 😌)

"I know you still have Damien on the mind and I don't wanna make things awkward between us, because i'm clearly not your type, hinting to Reese.. But i just want you to know that i really like you and have done for a while.." He raised his head slightly and smiled under his mask. Standing up, he wandered to his case and started unpacking, leaving a very shocked and blushing Kawaii~Chan.

He...Likes me..?

🍪//(A/N) UwU, I hope you liked!

Word count: 749

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