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😎//(A/N) ~ Hii! Here y'all go, btw. tell me if y'all want a chapter where y'all can get to know me! 💗


My vision cleared. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to make out my surroundings. I was definitely in my room. But how did i get here?

~ Flashback ~

Zane's face read shock and worry, he had tears in the corners of his eyes, i tried to smile slightly as i could feel my body falling.

~ Reality ~

I sat up to see a dark figure leaning beside me on the floor with his head resting on his arms. I blinked to try and clear my eyesight. However before i had the chance to open my eyes i felt a warmth envelope my body.
"Kawaii~Chan!!" It was Zane. "My Irene you scared us all so terribly.." he sighed in relief.
"I-i'm sorry Zane~Kun.." I looked down at the floor as Zane loosened his grip of me. He leaned back slightly to look at me.
"Cmon.. You're not staying locked up in this house forever." I could tell that he smiled softly beneath his mask. So I smiled back sincerely.


I reached for Kawaii~Chan's hand, and gently helped her up from the bed and guided her downstairs.
"We also have some news for you Kawaii~Chan!" I spoke in an excited manor.
"Tell me Zane~Kun!" She seemed to have cheered up slightly, Im so glad..
"Welllll.. Derick and Rachel are planning on taking us all to Starlight! Soooo you're gonna have to start packing!" I watched as Kawaii~Chan's face lit up from my words.
"T-THE..Starlight Wonderland??" Her eyes twinkled as she said those words.
"Mhm! Starlight, here we come!" I shot my arm up in the air to seem excited as the most beautiful smile spread across her face.
"BAH ZANE DONT THINK LIKE THIS! ITS NOT LIKE YOU LIKE HER OR ANYTHING! She's just so beautif-NO STOP!" My thoughts swarmed like a tornado as i stared at her gleaming face. Her beautiful..gleaming face..

It had been a few hours since i had informed Kawaii~Chan, she had greeted everyone on the street and explained her situation. She left us all with a smile to pack her case, as we were leaving in a few hours. I still wonder how someone can make such a wondrous face around me.. The ultimate edge lord of the century. And her, the brightest and most radiant girl i have ever known.


Kawaii~Chan was singing a sweet melody as she packed her baby-pink coloured suitcase. Filled with summer clothing and bathing suits. She zipped her case shut and stood it up, feeling triumphant and proud, she skipped over to the bathroom. As she walked through the door the panels on the walls seemed to shine, and the shower looked pristine. She turned the knob quickly and watched as the water sprinkled out. Undressing herself and hopping in the shower, she watched as the room became a steamy mess and used her finger to draw and write on the shower glass like she did as a child.

Once her shower session came to a close she picked up her white, cotton towel and wrapped it around her water-soaked body and returned to her bedroom. Still singing the same melody. She had dried her hair and brushed it out in her usual wavy style, tied her bow just under her left ear and dressed into her comfy clothing, there was a knock on the door.
"Comingggg!~" She sang. Racing down the stairs and skidding round the corner, she launched herself at her door and found Zane standing there awaiting for her to leave.
"Hey Kawaii~Chan! Are you ready to leave?"
He questioned in an upbeat tone.
"Yes Zane~Kun! Give Kawaii~Chan a few minutes to get her things and she will come back!" Just as she turned away to go up the stairs, Zane grabbed her wrist and suddenly spoke.
"Let me help you please!" Without realising  what he said/did a light blush spread across his face as he released his grip of her wrist. She stared at him in slight shock.
"Sure!" She smiled softly.

~ Time Skip: Airport ~

The group dragged their luggage across the shining marble floor and onto the scale. Leaving their luggage, they rushed to catch their flight. Kawaii~Chan shivered slightly as they boarded the plane. They all went to their seat numbers. Kawaii~Chan sat on the window seat near the middle of the plane, the empty seat next to her seemed to linger. Zane held his ticket and walked down the aisle looking for his number. Finding his seat, he sat on an aisle seat, oblivious to his seat-buddy. He glanced to his right and saw a girl staring out the window, with beautiful pink hair and jet-black mei'fwa ears.
"Kawaii~Chan?!" Shocked, he smiled widely.
"Zane~Kun!!!" She hugged his arm which caused Zane's face to convert to being a tomato. "I'm so glad i'm sitting with someone i know.. I have the biggest fear of flights >.<"
Zane smiled softly and placed his hand on top of hers.
"It'll all be okay." He smiled. Weakly, she smiled back and tried to relax, squeezing his thumb slightly. He didn't mind since she was rather weak. And he found it kinda cute.

The pilots announcement started as everyone watched the flight attendants demonstrate the emergency evacuation procedures. As the plane was about to take off, Zane watched as Kawaii~Chan tensed immensely. He pulled her in so she was resting on him and held her tightly. As to assure her that she would be alright. The plane was new and everything was in pristine condition. He had no worries. Zane glanced down at Kawaii~Chan as she had fallen asleep resting on him. He kept his arm locked around her and decided to wake her up when they arrived in Starlight. He smiled as he watched the girl sleep in peace, not wanting to awake the sleeping angel in his arms.

💜//(A/N) WOAH NOW THAT WAS ONE LONG CHAPTER!! PHEW i'm tired now 😅 Anyways i hope you enjoyed it! Have a nice night/morning/afternoon! Bye!💗

Word count: 1050

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