A love like no other

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(A/N)💗~ 1k READS OMG! Thank you all so much this means the world to me >.< I'm also loving the chain of comments going on in the comments of the previous chapter xD Enjoy this chapter! And follow my instagram if you wanna talk or know more about me UwU
@ angelbunno ! (sorry it's short ;;)

The day had dragged on slowly and quite awkwardly to be frank. Zane and Kawaii~Chan had stuck together like glue, as the rest of the group made jokes and giggled about the events that had happened that same morning. Kawaii~Chan was completely and utterly embarrassed and was on the brink of tears for most of the day. Whereas Zane wasn't particularly bothered and continued to comfort her. He knew she was upset and felt sympathetic for her.

Kawaii~Chan had wondered off to the bathroom. Zane sighed and went to talk to Aphmau.

"Hey Aph..?"
"Yes Zane??"
"Could you please tell everyone to stop talking about me and KC? She's been really upset all day so it's kinda putting a downer on her.."
"Oh i didn't even realise.. I'm really sorry.."
"It's fine Aph, please just tell everyone to stop?"
She nodded as Zane walked towards the bathroom and stood outside. He watched as she went round each person, one by one their expressions dropped and turned to Zane.

He scoffed then felt a small hand cling onto his shirt sleeve, he shifted his head slightly and smiled, she looked up to him and smiled back, briefly. Zane took her by the hand and lead her to the ocean front.
"Cmon Kawaii~Chan.. Let's have some fun?" He said as he pulled his shirt off. She smiled and blushed a little from the confidence boost. She ran to the beach shack to change and shyly stepped out wearing a beautifully hand-made bikini, since she was good with a needle and thread she decided to make some clothes herself rather than bothering people with custom made orders.

Zane took his mask off as he stared at her, his pale face was shining with a bright pink shade, almost as if her bikini was reflecting onto his skin. Aphmau suddenly swooped in front of him to cover KC.

"GAH! INNOCENT CHILD, I WILL PROTECT YOU!!" She quickly turned to her as she had a towel and wrapped it round her. "There! Now she's a sausage roll!" She said proudly.

Zane shook his head from being mesmerised and gave Aphmau a confused look.
"Gah!!" Kawaii~Chan flopped onto the ground as she couldn't move "Aphmau~Senpaii.." She moaned as Zane helped her up, Aphmau ran away in a giggling fit as Zane helped her up. They both shrugged and laughed together, walking towards the ocean.

"I love you.." He spoke unexpectedly. His voice was gentle and it made her blush. Their hands intertwined as they smiled at eachother.

"I love you too Zane.." They inched closer to eachother, and met with their lips. It was the perfect moment in front of a scarlet sky. With a warm breeze gently swaying by them.

Love is Love | A Zane~Chan Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now