The beginning of it all

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[ Warning: this book dosen't follow the movies and other books of the harry potter series ]

It was one evening night when James was downstairs and Lily was upstairs with Sarah and Harry

Then suddenly Lord V attacked the family that night he killed James and Lily but he saw Sarah standing there in shock

Lord V: hello there Sarah I'm here to kill you and your brother

Sarah: never old man *she attacks with her wand using a spell*

Lord V: *uses his wand to attack back*

Their fight didn't last long Sarah lost and lord V knocked her out and then he hit Harry with a spell trying to kill him but it didn't work and then lord V vanished and Sarah got up and feels her head it had blood running down her head a little bit of it and she got but to see her brother is laughing and she went to him and picked him up and ran out of the house to see hagrid in the driveway and ran to him with Harry covered in a blanket

Hagrid: blime me Sarah are you okay?

Sarah: no hagrid I need to take Harry away from here now *she puts Harry in the side motorcycle car and backs up away from the motorcycle*

Hagrid: why?

Sarah: our parents are dead and you need to leave now and here for Dumbledore *she gives him the invisible cloak and shouts as well*

Hagrid: will do miss Sarah *nods and takes the invisible cloak and leaves Sarah there at the house until she was no longer in sight *

Hagrid arrives on Privet Drive to see professor McGonagall and professor Dumbledore already there and he lands the motorcycle and grabs Harry and walks up to the Professor's

Pro. McGonagall: where's Sarah?

Hagrid: she didn't want to come with us and how did you get here so fast?

Pro. Dumbledore: well this is his only family besides his sister who clearly ran off  and Sarah sent us a letter with her owl Lana

Pro McGonagall: she's only 10 Dumbledore out in the world like that?

Dumbledore: we'll find her later right now we have to deliver Harry to the door

They nod and put Harry on the doorstep with a letter and rung the doorbell and left Harry there after that night

Harry grew up at Dudley's house and the Dudleys eventually bought a black cat around Harry's 10th birthday thanks to Aunt Petunia

Harry: thanks aunt Petunia for the cat

Dudley: lucky cousin I got you anything as well *gives him money*

Harry: thanks Dudley

Dudley: no problem

Harry: I'm going to go check the mail

Harry saw the mail divided the mail and put it down and saw mail with his name on it and grabbed it and went to Aunt Petunia

Harry: aunt Petunia there's a letter saying I've been accepted at Hogwarts

Petunia: that's wonderful Harry that means you'll be like you're parents are you excited?

Harry: of course I am but it says to bring my black cat

Petunia: then get ready I'll be taking you tomorrow and then I guess you'll the cat too

Harry: alright

Harry goes upstairs to his room while the black cat follows him into his room 

Harry was sleeping and the black cat just rolled up in a ball and went to sleep until the next day

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