Chapter 2

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2nd day at Hogwarts

The next day

Harry and Hermione walk out of the Gryffindor common room running to the great hall and stopped and sat the Gryffindor table

Ron: blime me you guys are late

Hermione: sorry Ron we were busy chatting with Sarah

Ron: who's Sarah? Ive never seen her in Gryffindor are you sure you guys are alright?

Harry: yeah but she's only around when me and Hermione are in the common room alone

Ron: that's odd though I never seen this Sarah person

Harry: I've seen her only yesterday Ron

Ron: does she even exist? Are you sure you guys aren't imagining things?

Hermione: maybe we are because I asked all the other students and they have no idea who she is either

Harry: hmm odd

Professor McGonagall: everyone please settle down I have a huge announcement to make

Everyone stops talking to looks at professor McGonagall

Professor McGonagall: today starts a new error today I'll introduce you to Sarah

Sarah: hello everyone it's nice to finally meet you all

Professor McGonagall: she's only here to help prepare for things and will be staying in the Gryffindor tower and now that's out of the way

*Sarah went to sit at the Gryffindor table*

Professor McGonagall: now let's eat

Food appears on the plates

Ron: blime Sarah looks beautiful

Hermione: don't flirt with her Ron you don't know how old she is

Ron: she looks 16 to be honest

Harry: exactly she's older then us

Hermione: agreed

Ron: is she even a student now?

George: she's was a student here Ron that's the point professor McGonagall asked her to come back

Fred: apparently for something but for what we have no clue

Harry: so she's here for something?

George: yeah it's suspicious right?

Hermione: it is suspicious

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