Chapter 1

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Next day

Harry wakes up and gets ready for Hogwarts

2 Hours later

Harry is finally ready and goes down stairs to see aunt Petunia and Dudley waiting for him by the door and then he's fully down there with the cat in it's carrier and his suitcase

Petunia: are you ready?

Harry: yeah I have everything

Dudley: good luck Harry

Harry: thanks Dudley

Petunia: come on Harry let's leave now I'll take you to the train station and drop you off alright?

Harry: alright

They go to the car and harry puts his stuff in the back of the car and he gets in passenger seat and aunt Petunia starts driving after they buckled their seat belts

° Time skip to the train station °

At the 9 3/4 quarters train station

Harry puts his stuff away in his compartment then someone enters his compartment and then harry sits down

Ron: can I sit hear?

Harry: sure

Ron: *he sits across from Harry* hey what's you're name?

Harry: I'm Harry you?

Ron: blime me Harry Potter?

Harry: yes

Ron: my name is Ron nice to meet you

Harry: nice to meet you too

Hermione enters the compartment

Hermione: have any of you seen a toad? Apparently a boy named Neville has lost one

Ron & harry: no

Hermione: thanks

Harry: wait what's your name?

Hermione: I'm Hermione and blime me you're Harry Potter

Harry: yeah

Hermione: what's your name? *Looking at Ron*

Ron: my name is Ron

Hermione: nice to meet you too now if you don't mind I need help Neville finds his toad later *she leaves the compartment*

Harry: she was nice

Ron: right?

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