Chapter 10/🪄Epilogue🪄

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Next day

Harry and Hermione got ready for their wedding while Sarah and Kaylee and Bruce and Alex and Viloet set up the decorations behind the house it was last minute since the couple woke up late

So later

The wedding starts and Sarah rides a broom down the aisle with Hermione behind her and the guest quickly stood up and then sat back down as Hermione was in front of the altar and priest began his speech and then they say I do and put the rings on each other's fingers and then they share a kiss

Priest: now I pronounce you husband and wife Mrs. Potter and Mr. Potter

All the Weasley's clap and Kaylee claps with Bruce and Alex and Viloet and Sarah just smiles as the couple walks back down the aisle together

Someone showed up that wasn't invited it was savannah she snuck around the wedding and grabbed the poison vile from her pocket and put it in Sarah's cup and Kaylee's cup and left the Sense

No saw her so Sarah grabs her cup and Kaylee also grabs her cup as well and the swapped each other's drink and drunk the drink like a wedding toast to the couple

Then to Sarah and Kaylee everything went black and all they could both heard was screams


Sarah and Kaylee died instantly at our wedding and next after our wedding a lawyer came and presented us a will from Sarah and Kaylee

Hermione's POV:

Apparently in Sarah's and Kaylee will they leave everything to me and harry if they died and it stated in their will we could do whatever we wanted with the property and land and cars they've owned and money

The lawyer: apparently according to Sarah's bank she has 10 million and Kaylee has 99 Million

Harry chokes on his drink

Hermione: are you okay darling?

Harry: yeah I'm completely fine *clears his throat*

The lawyer: this property is at least 20 million that doesn't include the house or cars yet

Hermione: wow

Harry: *In shock and in tears* I don't understand why though? Why did my sister want and her wife want this?

The lawyer: it says right hear that she wants you to live comfortably no matter what happened to them and her wife agreed to this statement it's right here in this paperwork that you're sister and her wife signed all there stuff to you if they died that you could do whatever after they died

Harry: fine sell everything but I'm keeping the money in my vault at Gringotts

The lawyer: that's fine Mr. Potter you're sister and her wife won't have it any other way

Later the house and property and cars were sold and Harry and Hermione had to find a new home

Hermione and Harry rented out a hotel room

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