Chapter 3

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Next day

It was like any normal day things went on as planned and Harry finding out one the Professor's we're evil and he told Hermione this

Hermione: wait so you think it's Quirinus Quirrell?

Harry: yes

Hermione: why so?

Harry: cause I have a feeling he's working for V

Hermione: hmm he does seem suspicious

Harry: right?

Ron enters with Sarah and savannah

Savannah: hey guys

Sarah: it was hard struggle with Quirinus class

Ron: so what are you guys talking about?

Harry: were talking about how Quirinus could be evil

Sarah: Harry you can't do that to people and just assume there evil

Savannah: babe he does look like a bad guy

Sarah: not you too savannah

Ron: he does look suspicious with that thing around his head

Sarah: I am not the only one who think he's not suspicious?

Hermione: pretty much

Sarah: fine have it you're way I trust you guys but don't crawl back to me crying saying I was right *leaves*

Savannah: I'm so betting money that's he evil and Sarah has to cough up the money who's in?

Ron: me

Hermione: I can't

Harry: sure I'm in

Savannah: $10 far enough?

Ron: yes

Harry: yep

The bid the money savannah and Ron and Harry put down $10 and Sarah comes back and sees money on the table

Sarah: you gotta be kidding me you were bidding weren't you?

Savannah: nope we know nothing about what you're talking about *lies*

Sarah: *sighs* this is why I love you

Sarah puts a 50 down on the table

Savannah: what? You're bidding too?

Sarah: of course and wait what? I was right you guys were bidding

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