Punishment 1: Resistance

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Autumn and Marquees just walked through the front door. Before Autumn could reach the stairs Marquees spoke.

"Get over here" Marquees said while standing in the middle of his open concept home

Autumn took a deep breath and turn herself around and walks towards him. Marquees observed her as she walks closer and closer to him thinking of all of the things he want to do to her (like ripping her clothes off and fucking her on the floor) but he going to try something different this time, something new.

"While you on punishment you won't be able to sleep in my room , you'll be sleeping in the guest room right across the hall" Marquees said with his hands behind his back and his hazel eyes looking into her eyes

"Yes sir for how long" Autumn said while biting her bottom lip

"Until I'm satisfied" He responded so lust fully

"With what" Autumn thinks in her head but don't say it out loud

Then he walked towards the liquor cabinet in his kitchen and grab a bottle of whiskey and along with a glass. He poured himself a drink then kept on talking while Autumn being an obedient girl and listen

"My eyes are the only ones that supposed to see you naked and not nobody else. You understand that, your are MINE Autumn" Marquees says while dropping the whiskey bottle down a little to hard on the marble island

She jumped as the glass bottle hit the island as a reaction but said "Yes sir it won't happen ever again"

"It better... Since I had to resist not having you scream to the lord himself in front of all those people after I saw you strip out that bathing suit. For your punishment you going to have to resist me for a full day" Marquees said then took a big gulp of whiskey from the glass

"What do you mean by that" Autumn said while walking over to the island and leaning over it

"I'll be fully naked for the day and you have resist not touching me or yourself  but I can touch and tease you for however long I want until you break" Marquees said pouring another glass full of whiskey

"That not punishment that torture. There's nothing in it for me" Autumn pout

"Yes there is....if you last the full day but I believe you won't. You'll will enjoy a long night of pleasure Princess" Marquees says while brushing a hand across her left cheek

"Are you testing me...have you know I seen a naked man before so you not that different" Autumn said sounding proud of herself

"Back talking aren't we, even if you seen a naked man before you haven't seen me. Another thing if you had a naked man in your presence you wouldn't be need all those vibrators and dildo's in your apartment know would we" Marquees said as a bite back then took of sip of his whiskey

Autumn didn't have anything to say to fight back with what he said so she just rolled her eyes but Marquees didn't take that so lightly

With a hard smack to Autumn ass he says "don't roll your eyes at me little one. You forgot already that you the one in punishment"

"Yes sir I'm sorry" Autumn said while rubbing the stingy pain from her ass

"Now I want you to go take a shower and go to bed because you have a full day tomorrow" Marquees said while pointing to the direction of the stairs

Autumn did as was told and took a hot shower and went off to bed and praying that she survives tomorrow's punishment.

Punishment 1: Resistance cont.....

How y'all like it and I'm sorry it was short but I'm really trying to stay updated on chapters


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