Two big baby's

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There's a lot of convo in this chapter but I hope y'all enjoy ☺️

"Have y'all try butt plugs yet" Allison said while stuffing her face with popcorn

"What No" I said searching through Netflix to find a good movie/ show again

Allison wanted us to chill and watch Netflix all day because we haven't had bestie time since we are both in relationship, finishing our senior year of college and working. She been here since 8 AM this morning. Allison literally walked in our room, yelled good morning to sexiest people I know and climbed in between my man and me then cuddled next to me and told Marquees "she's mine now" and push him out of his own bed. Good thing Marquees was already up to let her in the house from his phone and dress appropriately because he usually sleeps in the nude. Now it's 2 PM in the afternoon and we about to watch Sex Life.

"You never know you might like it" Allison smirked with nudging my thigh with her foot

"You might like what" Marquees announced as him and Ross walked into the kitchen from the back door

"Nothing" I lied but even from seeing my face from the kitchen to the couch; he knew

"I think they were talking about butt plugs" Ross snitched on me with a grin on his face while taking a sip of his water

"Ugh sometimes I dislike you" I said while grabbing the empty popcorn bowl to full up again for the new show we going to watch

"I know gorgeous but that give opportunities to win your likenesses again" Ross says with remorse

"Baby we need more popcorn after today" I  noted while looking through the pantry and finding the last of the popcorn

"And more Snapple and snacks" Allison yelled from the couch

"Yeah and that too" I agreed

"Okay we can pick that stuff up when we going grocery shopping before your parents get here next week" Marquees told me while fixing himself a sandwich

"Yes sir" I smiled while walking out the pantry back into the kitchen and noticing his smirk

"Ouu you make me miss my man" Allison chimed in while scrolling on her phone

"Ah What about me I need things to for living in the guest house" Ross mentioned

"You got a job sweetheart that makes big bucks, now be a big boy and go buy them yourself darling" I laughed and so as everyone else

"I dislike you sometimes too" Ross sneered

"I know" I joked while taking the full popcorn bowls with me

Few hours later...

Allison already left after dinner, Marquees was getting ready for bed and when he noticed Autumn not sleeping in their bedroom after he got out of the shower he gladly walked across the hall to see her studying in her room.

"When will all this be over" Marquees pouted while cuddling next to Autumn

"Finals be over and done next week Friday then you can have me all to yourself again" Autumn spoke with a smile and kiss on the cheek

"Can you be a stay at home girlfriend" Marquees asked

"Why so you can fuck me in the morning before you leave for work then on your lunch break then again when you get home and bonus before we go to sleep" Autumn laughed because they both know it the truth

"Yeahhh I want my pussy accessible to me at all 24 hours of the day" Marquees proclaimed with dignity

"Wow you're a sex addict, please send help" Autumn joked while clicking on her laptop

"Only for you baby" Marquees smirked before kissing her lips

"Is Ross still downstairs sleep" Autumn questioned

"Yeah why" Marquees said slowing drifting off to sleep

"You know I can't let him stay sleep down there I get paranoid and shi- (Marquees was now alert and arch a brow) stuff" Autumn confessed and clear her throat

"Well you can wake him up and put him the the guest bedroom or he can sleep with us" Marquees mentioned out of the blue

"I swear y'all bromance is weird" Autumn noted while sliding into her slippers

"It shouldn't be a problem you'll be sleeping/ studying between us anyway. This a California king bed" Marquees said make a point this bed was huge enough for three people

Autumn walked downstairs to see a sleeping Ross on the couch with the TV still on.

"Ross sweetie wake up" Autumn nudged his arm

Ross moved around in his sleep and started whining. Autumn called his name again and he still hasn't woke up.

"Honey you going to wake up the next morning with your neck hurting now wake up please" Autumn nudge his arm again

What Ross says next kind of push Autumn back a little

"Mommy please I'm tired and horny" Ross moans

Did he just call me MOMMY... OMG 😳 I wouldn't of thought Ross being a submissive or have a mommy kink with the strong built body and tattoos all over. Autumn Inner Thoughts

"Are you awake" Autumn asks

"I been up since you called my name but I like hearing you call me sweetie" Ross smirks in enjoyment

"Really Ross and you called me Mommy" Autumn scoffed

"I know and I liked it" Ross confirmed

"You know how many times I watched you pleased my brother and his husband mommy needs and I always wish when it'll be my turn" Ross continues to say, confessing his secrets

Ross grab Autumn hand and ran it over his bulge in his sweats pants and he wasn't lying or small

"Mommy you feel how hard I am for you" Ross whimpered and begged

Autumn knows how to handle this situation

"Aww sweetie if you keep on showing out like this then it will never happen and I have you sleeping on the floor tonight" Autumn replied with removing her hand and running her fingers through his hair

"Because good boys listen to their mommy. Now come on let's go to bed and if you act right you get cuddles as a reward" Autumn continues to say

"Yes Mommy I like cuddles" Ross cheer while standing up

I swear it's like dealing with two big older age men babies. Autumn Inner Thoughts

Autumn turns off the TV and then Ross follows her upstairs. Where she studies and slept in the middle between two big polar bears.

I truly used this chapter as a fuller a chapter I'm about to start next.

But what y'all think

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