Ease dropping

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*There will be two perspectives of the chapter Autumn & Monica conversation then Marquees & Leo & Ross listening to Autumn & Monica conversation . I swear I get to the nasty chapter next I wanted to give y'all this first.

Autumn just arrived at Marquees house. She excited for what he got planned tonight for their first session. While finishing her Sunday morning rituals she did some searching of different kinks that was out there and there was a lot.

Marquees never really told her what he like or obsess over because he wants it to be a surprise because she never experience this side of BDSM life before. Furthermore, if she loves it like he does then he might think about making it a 24/8 or everyday lifestyle. He sent out an email to Autumn to explain everything that he wants her to do before he arrives home from the office. Once out of every month he goes in the office on Sundays to check his company improvement and logistics. He been doing this since the start of his now world known company and it's never going to stop.

"Are you excited for this new lifestyle" Monica said while stuffing her face in with grapes

Monica came over to Marquees house to have some girl time with her cousin and to catch up on things.

"New lifestyle, you sound like I about to join a cult or something it's just sex" Autumn said while stirring the pot of spaghetti sauce

"Autumn it's not just SEX it's more then that. It's the love, passion and intimacy behind it all" Monica corrected

"You going to learn more things about yourself than you think you know besides I think Marquees is a good pick for a DOM for you" Monica teases with a smile

"You really think so" Autumn questioned

"Yes I think so and Leo told me he the worse one out of three of them. One night while laying down in bed after a playtime session Leo told me if I wasn't your cousin. They would've been sharing you and having  you at the paw of their hands" Monica expressed then took a sip of water

"WHAT" Autumn shouted

"They all attracted to you Baby doll and hell I don't blame them. I'm your cousin and I want to fuck you" Monica respond

Autumn already knows that her cousin is attracted to her. She made it known many times while they was going up.

"We are cousins Monica. Oh Does Leo knows about your sex fantasy's of me? Also does he know you bisexual?" Autumn asked

"I know I know....No to the first question and yes to the second we had a few threesomes" Monica comments

"Okay I noticed the way they all look at me when we all together but I don't think about it further because I'm with Marquees" Autumn assured

"Right but you never know what could happen" Monica advised

Marquees is at his desk finishing paper work and in the meantime he going to check his in home security cameras to check in on Autumn for like the third time today. He pull up the app on his computer then type his login information once he in. He see the whole view of his home inside and out. Then he hear his office door open and two voice's appeared.

"We know you wasn't going to leave out your office for lunch so we stop by to bring you some" Ross announced while walking into his office

"Thanks man just sit my plate right here" Marquees said while rubbing his beard and not taking his eyes off the computer

"Damn man work got you this busy you can't look up from your computer screen" Leo question with a laugh

"No I'm looking at my security cameras to check on Autumn" Marquees said while clicking the kitchen security camera

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