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Anonymous ask-
How is it having King Dice and the Devil as bosses?


Scenes show of Dice giving orders to Cuphead who was holding the trays of food for each of the table, as well as Dice showin Mugman some card tricks while Y/n is just sittin in front of them sleeping. Cuphead and the Devil discussing some work and all of them together playin cards while the devil and y/n just watches.

"They're much less intimidatin' nowadays, (King Dice is still a prick though)"Cuphead shrugged, while Mugs accidently flown a bunch of cards at Y/n's face making her stare at Mugman.

"Sorry!!" Mugs apologies to y/n who stop glaring at him knowing it was accident and shrugged.

"it fine.."she said with a shrug. Mug nodded while Cuphead chuckled quietly.


Anonymous ask:
Ey devil! You ever 'eard of a certain dancing demon? A little devil darlin? Bendy The dancing demon?


Cuphead, Mugman and Y/n were sittin around watching a cartoon of bendy while eating popcorn.

"Hah, I appreciate the blasphemy. But I don't have time for cartoons" Devil said about to walk away but stop as Cuphead said "He beats up an angel in the next scene"

"I suddenly have the time" devil said as Y/n shaking their head knowing how they're father is.


Anonymous ask:
King Dice do you enjoy teaching the bros card tricks?


Dice, Y/n and Mugs were sittin by the bar as Y/n was just reading her book and leaning on Dice while Mugs sat beside them.

"I only teach Mugman, and well... its a good way to past the time. I know he'll find it useful." King Dice said to the anonymous but Then Mugman accidently flown the cards in both Dice's and Y/n faces, again making y/n glare at mugs in the process.

"...really" Y/n said tiredly as she dead stared at the blue mug while Mugman smiling at them nervously as he said sorry again.


Anonymous ask:
Hey Mugman, how'd you get that chip in your handle?


"Didn't dodge fast enough is how." He answered


Anonymous ask:
Is that a crack on Cuphead's arm? How exactly did he get that?


"Couldn't find all the pieces so it never properly healed. But hey, looks kinda cool, dontcha think? Like a battle scar... makes me look badass... hell yeah I'm so cool!... hurt like literal hell though..." the red cup made a pose and flex his one arm that had the scar.

"Whatever makes you happy, brother."Mugs replied As y/n was in the background looking at her own arm seeing her permanent scar that reminded of her parents...

'Tch..they're gone' she made her way to Cuphead and touch his arm in the process to see his scar.

"yea you are cool..but at least your ok now..that all that matters" y/n said as she look up at Cuphead as she try to give a smile but it turn into a small smile that was soft to be unnoticed but for Cuphead he saw it and was blushing hard.

Mugman agree with the 'cool thing' but also smirking as he see cuphead looking at y/n and was blushing really hard. He was still confused on why.


Anonymous ask:
King Dice, how did you wind up in the Devils casino? And What about you, [Y/n], how did you end up in the casino? Also, what's your relationship to devil and dice?


"It was a matter of life or death situation.."



You were at the library with Mugman reading a book while mugman is doing something different, you sigh just not really in the mood to talk but look at the anonymous.

"Uh.. Long story short, my "parents" and me went to the casino on my birthday and uh.. my father and mother got into trouble with the devil and...in return they gave me away to them instantly And of course they didn't hesitate to do so.. but the funny thing is that devil took me in which was surprising to the other...."Y/n said with one more sigh as she look at mugman who shows some sadness or pity for her but She gave him a thumbs up and stood up to put the book back into place while the anonymous followed along.

"But I'm glad im not with them anymore because I have my real parent here and some say amazing friend so yea." I walk over to the book self and went find some other book,"and i guess if I haven't come here or if I die...I wouldn't met the cup bros.. and maybe cuphead" you mutter the last part as you look at the book then at the anonymous who had a smug face which she thought of it was weird but felt herself heat up a bit.

"O-oh shut up and let get going" y/n said hitting the anonymous head and dragging them to Mugman who was confused but didn't question it.


Anonymous ask:

You three have any baby photos you guys can share. I bet you guys were the cutest!! >w<


"Uhh... well no baby photos but there were some when we were kids.... hang on..."Mugman said flippin through some photos.

"Ooh! Theres this one"Mugs showed a photo both of them holdin' baskets.

"Can we even remember what this is about?"Red Cup ask.

"Nope" Mugs answered,

"Yeah, me neither" Cups replied.

"Well, I carry this one. Around me.." Y/n said showing them a photo where 8 year old y/n and King Dice's we're trying to play dress up, but it ended up dice with a dress while you were in a Dress/tuxedo/or both and you were reading as king dice was just sleeping.

"Hah! I could use that as blackmail!"Cuphead chuckling.

"Oh, look, its you on your way to becoming a dish of destruction." Mugman said cheerfully.

"Hell yeah!"A photo of Cuphead holding a stick with an adorable angry face on it. y/n look up at cuphead as he was smiling bright which made your face heat up for some reason so they look away but still listen to the cups bro.

"And thats you with... Elder Kettle..."cuphead said as you turned to see cuphead and mugman face go gloomy since it was sensitive topic for them.

"heh... I miss him" mugman said while cup agreed.

y/n look back at the both of them as she walk over to Mugman to give him a hug first then back at cuphead but for him she gave him a long hug..he smelled like cinnamon. at the time you didn't know what to do but all you needed to know that they needed your comfort.

"he would be proud of you guys..." Y/n said as She let go of cuphead who was thankful of the hug but also was a little red and gave a small smile even Mugman smile at her comment and nodded at her softly.

Short ♥️😏

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