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[short sorry]

."Hello Katie."


"Heh wow you have changed..what with the bloody style." Y/n mocked as she looked at her 'mother' up and down as she cross her arm together.

"Tch don't get cocky! I'm still your mother! Obey me now!" Katie yelled as y/n sigh, looked at her as if she was to tired for this before walking up to her.

"Well the first things is you are not my mother anymore." Y/n said pushing her to the ground as you stand on top of her with a glare. Katie looked up as she was about to yell at her "daughter" but she shrink as she saw you staring at her to death.

"I have much better parents then you were and at least they treated me like I'm their own daughter. And second where is the shitty of a "husband" of yours? Is he dead or still rotting?" Y/n ask as she bend over to Katie level as they were still glued to each other.

"Do NOT say that about my love! He was kind and he was your father!" Katie spat out as y/n just scoffed as she looked away

"Some 'father' he was. Glad he is still rotting in hell." Y/n said with a smile creeping in as it soon falls down before she realized something. She turned back to Katie who was still on the ground as she struggle to pick herself up but before she could y/n place her leg on top of Katie chest as hard so she couldn't move at all.

"How. The. Fuck did you got out." Y/n demand as her eyes stared to change into gold which made the 'mother' eyes widen as she was to afraid to speak.

"I said..HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GOT OUT?!" Y/n yelled as she push a bit more pressured on Katie chest which made her cough out blood.

"I- I GOT OUT FROM A TUNNEL THAT LEAD TO ANYONE MIND SET." Katie said as she coughed more blood that spread all over her old dress.

Y/n looked away as she was in thoughts of how is this happening...

'I need dad he'll probably know what to do..' y/n thought before get snap back into reality as she heard Katie laugh like a maniac as she look up at y/n.

"PLEASE LIKE YOU SAID YOUR FATHER IS IN HELL HAHAAH SO YOU DO CAr—" y/n stop her midway as she kicked her at the side stomach making her stop with a groan.

"I will never care about that disgusting man for as long as I live...get up because we are going back to the casino.." y/n said coldly as she texted king dice that she has a problem and would like dice, devil to teleport y/n back home immediately.

King dice replayed saying devil is ready to teleport y/n back when ever she ready. Y/n smiled a bit before turn back to the mother who was struggling to stand up correctly.

Y/n would feel bad about this and would heal the wounds but she didn't as Katie didn't deserve it. she type to her dad that she was ready now. After a while dice texted ok. You turn back once again and walk over to her as you place your hand on her bloody shoulder.

"Stay still." Y/n said as they both were teleported to the devil office. Y/n took her hand off of Katie shoulder as she looked at devil and dice who were surprised to see y/n mother still alive after all these year unfortunately.

"Hi father!" Y/n said cheerfully as she ran over to devil and king dice for a hug as her "mother" was shock of y/n mood switch and how she heard y/n calling devil her father.

"Moon star." Devil said as y/n stop where she was as devil leaned over at his desk to look at her better.

"Yes father."

"Why is this bloody human doing outside of the hell hole." Devil said as he glared at her while she was frozen into place.

"Well she escaped into a tunnel that leads into mind of anyone?? You really need to keep that sealed ya know" y/n said as she went over her dad to hug her but dice just patted her head.

"Go wash you hands they have blood on it" dice chuckled as y/n was a bit offended by not getting a hug but shrugged off and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

'..what are you going to do to me' y/n heard as she remembered that Katie was still in y/n mind.

'W-WAIT PLEASE I-I'LL DO ANYTHING...wait no no PLEASE STO-' y/n look up in a panic as she heard nothing.

"Katie..are you here still.."



y/n felt free once again as she walk out of the bathroom to see the spot that katie was standing on was gone for good.

Y/n felt tears coming out as she fell to the floor with a smile on her face.

"Is she finally gone? Or am I hallucinating" Y/n mumbled loud enough as king dice went over to her slowly picking her up.

"Yes my moon she won't hurt you anymore." King dice said as he put his head over y/n 's to comfort her as she snuggled to his chest as she cry for more before she fell asleep.


The explanation - if the one on top didn't make any sense at all.

The mother came back to y/n mind for two weeks before Jack came to the casino on that night.

[yes some days/ times work differently in this au]

The mother kept tormenting y/n minds as she always gives her negative thoughts. Of course y/n try's everything she could to think positive but nothing works. Some days y/n always space out and when ever The cup brother or the crew member see this y/n alway lies about it saying "oh just thinking of something funny" or "I'm just tired".

Of course Cuphead didn't believe some of it as he can see through some of the lies but he didn't want to confront y/n about it as he think it was over his head.

After Jack left the casino, y/n wanted to visit the Cup brothers for a nice chat/wanted to hang out but it soon changed as the negatives thought came back making y/n zone out for the whole entire walk but soon y/n was snap back into reality as she was in the middle of the woods/ flower field.

Y/n didn't know how she was here but as soon the negativity came back y/n stop it midway as she was thinking of the familiar voice that was coming from. But soon realized it was her biological mother.

Y/n tried her best to keep her emotions in as she was to scare/angry/wanted to get her revenge but she sigh as she turn to her "mother" with a cold stare.

Of course the mother was faded as her expensive dress was ruined In very way with her own blood covered every inch of her body.

The mother name was Katie. [sorry if your name is in here 🥲 you are very lovely]

Katie wanted out of the hell hole more then anything since it was hell. She soon found a tunnel that leads to the mind of everyone to torment or torture the people who did a sin/ deal with the devil. Katie soon found y/n portal to be in her mind which works successfully over two weeks.

But then she soon went back to hell after saw was caught by her "daughter" snitching to her new family to send her back home.

So that it sorry it just I don't want to the y/n parents to be in this story-
And also one of these chapters in going to make y/n expose her back story to Cuphead so don't worry-

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