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3 more gun shots fire but this time it's closer. Then I hear a familiar voice as the door to my bakery opens.


I slowly raise my head above the counter and see tayton looking around covered in blood and then his eyes lock on mine.

My eyes start watering and I can feel my heart beating at a really fast pace. Then darkness caves in really fast.

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A.N.: This is the night before all of this ^ :)

After texting Sofia I clean myself up for bed discarding my dress pants and jacket as well my dress shirt leaving me in my boxers. I take those off as well and hop in the shower. I wash up my hair and wash my body.

After I got done with the shower I throw on some clean boxers and then my mind races back to Sofia.

Her beautiful smile and hair the way she responds to me.

I know for a fact she has to be a submissive the way a simple command can make her face turn pink in an instant really does rat her out. Just the thought of draping her across my lap and spanking her ass raw if she gives me too much attitude makes my dick twitch.

I wipe away the thoughts when my right hand man Alexander walks in with a knock.

Alexander has always been apart of my mafia. He would always step up whenever Stephan couldn't or if he was in the hospital. He has also been my best friend since grade school.

Alexander has always been there for me and is are best fighter other than Stephan. He's blonde with dark green eyes and always has a fit body and loves wearing green he always has a green hanker chief on even tho it is against protocol I let it slide because he runs everything around here. I handle the big stuff but he trains the newer guards and takes care of weaponry and a whole bunch of others things.

"Hey sorry boss but I think the Spanish mafia might attack soon." He says with a lot of worry in his eyes.

"Why, what makes you say that Alex." I say setting my towel down on the bed.

"There was a few of our guards dead this morning and on a few of them they had the Spanish symbol." He says pulling out his phone to show me the pictures.

"Fuck." Is all I say as I shoo him off.

He leaves the room without question and my mind goes back to Sofia I don't want her getting hurt what so ever.

Damn. She is always on my mind.

I need to tell Stephan about this and he's not going to be happy cuz he's the one who started all this.


I need to blow off steam. If one more god damn person tries to fuck with me their getting shot.

I walk out my brothers business with my gun ready to shoot someone. I keep it hidden so I don't cause a massive explosion cuz we all know how that would go...

I get in my car and drive to the nearest coffee shop. I walk in, sit down and wait for my waiter or maybe waitress.

Once I see my waitress walk over I roll my eyes. All I see is her fix her tits and walk over swaying her hips.

That rhymed.

She walks over and bends down to eye level and I give her a death glare which doesn't work when she starts speaking. "Hi my name is Ellie how may I help you sir!" She says as she sways her hips and Tits more and I pull out my gun. "I'm gay Ellie so get your fucking tits out of my face or my gun is going in between your eyes." I say with a high pitched voice and a fake smile. "Make m-" I interrupt her with my gun and take a deep breath as I get up and see everyone running.

I look down at her and tuck her tits back in for her once I notice a symbol on her wrist.

"FUCK!" I yell as I see the Spanish symbol.

I dial Tayton's number and hear 2 rings before he answers.

"What the fuck did you do?" He says in a low tone.

"Whaaat I can't just call my brother for a chit chat?" I ask in a high picked voice knowing I'm going to get my ass beat.

"You never call for a 'chit chat'." He says with a stupid voice.

"I miiight have killed one of the Spanish mafia womaaan." I say trying to make it sound a bit better.

"YOU FUCKING WHAT STEPHAN?" He screams at me through the phone.

"CALM DOWN okay we should be fine riiight." I say hoping he doesn't kill me.


Called it.

I couldn't say anything before he hangs up on me. I fucked up baaaad and I feel so fucking horrible. I've made Tayton deal with my shit for so long and he doesn't deserve that at all whatsoever.

I'm such a shitty brother.


I walk back into my room and hear my phone go off.

It's Tayton.

"What do you want." I say with a low tone earning a slap from my boyfriend Jonathan.

Oh yea he's here too.

"The Spanish fucking mafia is here." He says making me get up quick.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" I say before hanging up the phone.

I can't deal with this shit rn.

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Im sorry for the short chapter and the months of waiting but I'm back and had A LOT of stuff happen so yah here you go lovies <3

I hope you have a better night now that you know Im back thank you for reading and I promise some smut soon :)

Word count: 1008

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