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The car ride was mostly silent until he broke the silence.

"So amore how are the cupcakes doing?" He says making me swallow hard.

"There doing good I will just have to wake up early tomorrow and go frost them." 'I will have to walk tomorrow because my car is still at the bakery' He accidentally bumps in to my arm on his way to the shift and he looks at me and smiles. His smile is so handsome.

"Oh your going to have to take a right up at this stop sign then my apartment should be on the right!" I say quickly before he gets to the stop sign.

He chuckles then makes a really tight turn making my head bump into the glass making my head sting. "OW!"

"Oh I'm so sorry!" He says as he stops at my apartment. He quickly rushes over to my side to let me out, and I'm still rubbing the sting in my head.

"I'm so sorry amore can I see it?" He says in a soft tone making me slightly blush. I lift my hand and he observes my head.

"Nothing bad you just have a little bumb." He says patting the bumb slightly making me give him a scowl.

"Okay thank you for the ride I really appreciate it, Tayton."

"Any time, I will see you tomorrow!" He chuckles out.

I start walking up my steps and then I remember 'I forgot Emmy's cupcakes' I mentally punch myself in the tit and walk in my apartment, it's not that big but its a homey spot for me and my sister. I walk to the kitchen setting my purse and keys down when I notice a note.

-To my wonderful sister-
Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't stay up longer but I hope your day was good. I love you, good night
                         - Em -

I'm glad she's sleeping because I really don't want to see her disappointed face it makes me feel really really bad and I already do.

I walk down the hall and get to my door I walk in and start getting ready for bed. I am wearing nothing but some underwear and one of my big t-shirts that goes down to mid thigh. I flop In my bed letting out a big sigh. Once I settle in I roll over and plug my phone in noticing a random message.

New number: hey it's Tayton I found a business card in your car and I wanted your number anyways so I took it.
3:23 a.m.
Me: well Tayton I am going to get some sleep because I have to wake up at 5 in the morning so I can frost your cupcakes by 10: a.m. sharp.
3:28 a.m.
Tayton: okay good night amore.
3:29 a.m.

I love that he called me amore. I turn over and cuddle with my pillow as I drift to sleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I wake up to my phone buzzing and my alarm screaming at me. I roll over and turn it off. I only got an hour and a half of sleep. I quickly jolt up when I hear banging on my bedroom door then my sister bursting in.

"Good moooorning!" She says while jumping on me.

"OW! fuck good morning to you too asshole." I say rubbing my stomach that she jumped on.

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