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"I should go" I said as I hurried back into the TARDIS.
"Wait, you can't go you have to pay for the damage and I still don't understand how you got here."The old man grabbed my hand with a firm grip making sure I didn't get any closer to the center.

"What in the .. name of... Zeus!!!!" His look told me everything he was going to say, what its bigger on the inside, then they would walk/run, depending on the age, back outside and do a lap of the blue box. Some could say your a psychic, how did you guess, but no I've just had experience.. I mean come on over 1000 years of companions looking mind boggled as the got over the time travel technology.
I still remember claras face.

"How.. just how could the gods ha e made such a machine." The man said
"They didn't you old fool." Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh it was my fault he saw inside. "Oh how rude of me. What's your name?"
"Claudio.. um you didn't tell me your name. I think you said you were a doctor."
"No that's my name. I'm the Dr." I said in my usual, cheery tone. "Well I have to go, goodbye" And I quickly stalked away and closed the door.
I walked steadily to the center where the soft rumble of the engines comforted me.
"Now then. Take me some place else..." The TARDIS didn't even stir.
"Okay I will do it manually" I pressed a series of buttons and turned some coggs but still there was no cahnge.

Why now.

This is just great now I'm stuck in Pompeii, two years before the biggest volcano eruption in the history of earth.

This can't be how I die... And what about my promise... I won't leave clara, not like the rest.

I will get fixed and I will get unstuck....

I hope.

The unexpected time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now