My Worst Nightmare

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Andrea🎀: What!? What do you mean!?
Me: Just please come over
Andrea🎀: Of course I'm coming over!
I texted Andrea, Jenn, Mahogany, O2l boys, Carter, Matt, and Cameron about what was going on. I needed to text Shawn and Melanie next.
"Whoever that person is, I'll fucking make sure they're dead!" Nash yelled. He was about to punch the wall, but I grabbed his arm.
"NO!!! Dont! Babe, just breathe." I loved how Nash was so protective. I texted Shawn to come over.
Me: You have to come over.
Muffin Man😝: Omw
*6:00 at Night*
Everyone was over at the house, pretty much hanging out. Jc and Nash were pretty much pissed off. Luckily, Jc didn't need crutches cause the bullet didn't hit a bone. His leg was just wrapped up. Shawn was a little pissed too, so was Melanie. Everyone else was being protective.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"I'm getting it."
"Nash no! I will. Just stand behind me."
I opened the door and Nash stood behind me.
"JUNE!?!?" My eyes widen when I saw who was standing next to her.
"DAVID!?!?" I screeched.
"Thats right you little bitch. He's alive."
"June!! Can you please let this go!? I'm married and i'm e-"
"Expecting, I know."
"How'd yo-"
"Can you leave?"
"No." She said to me.
"Let us in."
"No way!" I said.
"Let her in."
"Na-" he gave me a "trust me" look. Nash and I went inside to the front where everyone was.
"Aww all your friends are here to protect you? How sweet!" She said sarcastically. We all went in and sat down.
"David, I thought-but-i thought you killed yourself.
"I did shoot myself, but it wasn't in the heart."
"Shut the fuck up"
"Dont talk to her like that!!" Jc almost yelled.
June pulled out a gun.
"I do the talking here." everyone sat silently.
"Whoever talks gets killed. I have questions for you. ALL of you. If you take too long to answer, your dead."
The baby started kicking.
"First question goes to Crystal."
She pointed the gun towards my stomach.
"WHY did you take Nash from me?"
"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" Jc yelled. He jumped and shots fired. A bullet hitting Jc in the chest.
"JC!!!!!" I screamed.
"SHUT UP!!!!" June pointed the gun towards my stomach.
I blacked out.
I'm sorry I didnt update!😭 I've been busy!! Contest is still going!! LOVE YA'LL!!! ❤️❤️❤️😘

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