Welcome Home Hazel

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*Day Of Coming Home.
Today was the day we're taking our Hazel home. I was so tired and completely out of energy.
"Ok Mr. and Mrs. Grier, you are free to go." The nurse said. Nash and I got up from the bed. I grabbed the baby carrier and gently put Hazel in it. The carrier was all pink with zebra stripes. Hazel was peacefully asleep, with a pacifier in her mouth. We walked out of the hospital and went into the car. Nash secured Hazel's carrier in the back seat, and I sat with her. We started heading home.
"How did I get so lucky to have a husband like you?"
"I asked the same thing kind of. How did I get so lucky to find a gorgeous wife like you?"
That made me blush. I looked over at sleeping Hazel.
"My two gorgeous girls. I love you both so much." Nash said.
"And we love you too."
*Taylor's POV*
"Hurry!!! I need EVERYTHING perfect!!!"
"Taylor chill!! Everything's set up!" Jenn said. We were all throwing a little welcome home party for Hazel. After what I said to Crystal a long time ago, I still had to do something.
"She's here!!!" Melanie said.
"EVERYONE HIDE!!!! Melanie, get the lights!!!" Melanie ran and turned off the lights. We all hid and heard the door open.
*Crystal's POV*
We got home and got out of the car. Nash had Hazel, and I had the bag and stuff. I went inside and turned on the lights.
"WELCOME HOME HAZEL!!!!!" Everyone whisper yelled as loud as they could.
"Aww!! You guys!!!"
"Wow. Guys ya'll are so thoughtful!" Nash said. We walked in and I set the baby on the ground in her carrier. She was still asleep.
"Who planned this?"
"Taylor!!" Shawn said. Everyone pointed at him and he started blushing.
"Thanks Taylor. Your amazing." I said smiling. I went up to him and kissed his cheek (a/n: And I ain't talkin about the ones down there😏😂Ok back to the story!)
"Aww!! He's blushing!!" Melanie said. We talked for a little then Aaron brought out a cake. It said:
Welcome Home Beautiful Hazel
We ate cake and hung out for a little. Taylor and the other guys/girls helped clean up, then they left at about 7:00.
"Ok babe, i'm gonna go put Hazel in her crib.
I put Hazel in my arms and went to the kitchen where Nash was. Nash held her and kissed her head.
"I love you baby girl." Nash gave her back to me and I went upstairs to the room. Just as I was about to put Hazel down in her crib-she started crying.
"Aww Hazel. Momma woke you up. I'm so sorry baby." I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I also sang her a lullaby.
We dont have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
Cause we dont have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot
It might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
We dont have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
After finishing the song, I put Hazel down in her crib.
"Aww Hazel fell asleep to your angelic voice."
"Nash!!" I whisper yelled.
"Oh my god. Sorry I scared you!" Nash said laughing.
"You tired?"
"Yea. Lemme get my pjs on and i'll get into bed."
I grabbed a baggy sweatshirt and shorts and changed in the bathroom, then I brushed my teeth. I got into bed.
"Night babe."
"Night Nash. I love you."
"Love you more."
*1 Am*
I woke up to Hazel crying. Well, this is gonna be a long night."
GUYS!!! WERE ALMOST THERE TO 1K!! HALFWAY THERE!!!! Just in case your wondering, I made up the date to when Hazel was born. It was the month of February on the 14th. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘

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