Day 6

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Smg4's POV

I woke up, feeling a bit sleepy, but I rose up from bed anyway. I checked my phone, it was pretty early, but I just got out anyway.

I went to the blocked door, and tried to break it down. It's not much progress, but I managed to get a few snow out. I'd say I got a few inches, then I got tired. I leaned against the wall. How long until people find us here? I don't know, but I hope that both of us can get out of this stupid igloo. Because I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be Smg3's company.

... Okay maybe

I mean after those days, we've gotten long quite well. The only conflict we had was when we were just trapped in the igloo, but other than that, we've been enjoying this moment together.

It felt... Nostalgic somehow.

I looked at the snowy wall, I want to escape so badly, but at the same time I want this stupid moment to last. I honestly didn't want to be enemies again after this.

I just want to be, at least, acquaintances with him.

I went back to the bed, to realize that he's not here. Did he escape without me?! God damnit. I sat down, and was about to rest again but then.



He jumped from under the bed. Oh thank god that he's still here. I really wanted to spend more time with him, to know him better.

"You scared the living crap out of me!"

"You didn't wake me up, I could've help you progress with that hole over there."

I looked at the snow, and to be honest, it looked like I never did anything to it, only a few inches.

"You looked peaceful when you slept, and I didn't want to ruin your mood."

"Huh, fair. Welp, my turn to dig the hole, It's almost a week and we've done nothing but to slack off and hope for help. Might as well do something about this." He went to the snow, and started "shoveling" it. I went there to help him. He was right though, we didn't do anything for ourselves to escape, might as well put progress on our hands.

After digging, we made more progress.... Until the snow collapsed, but hey at least we did a giant difference compared to what I did earlier. We rested, and I looked at him.

He was sweating, taking deep breaths. And I just stared at him. Out of curiosity I asked, "Hey 3, if ever we escape in this hell of a freezer, did you enjoy on what happened?"

He looked at me, and thought for a whole minute. "Actually, yeah. Despite being enemies, it was nice hanging out with you for at least some time. I think you'd make a good acquaintance."

"Wait really?" I looked at him surprised.

"Acquaintance. Doesn't change the fact that I'll still beat the absolute crap out of you and your content however."

"Fair enough." I smiled, and he smiled back.

Glad to know that we both enjoyed this accidental moment together.




"God damnit, X, I was eating a can of beans, do we have to get supplies now?"

"FM, you LOST our snow tools somehow on your fishing trip. So now we have to buy some."


We went to the store to grab some things, pickaxes, snow shovels, and more. To be honest I didn't want to go, but since our friend is in trouble so there's no reason for me to really slack off.

We were about to pay until I saw someone... quite familiar.

A guy with pale pink-ish colored clothes, and teal overals. He seems to be getting one of the shovels on the shelf. I sneakily approached him and greeted him.


"GAH! Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry I guess. Name's FM, and mind telling me why you are getting one of those shovels?"

"Well I, uh, just so happened to uh..." he was silent for a little while. We both stared at each other.

"... bye." Then he ran away without paying.

"HEY, STOP!" I yelled as I chased after him.

We ran for so long and I have to admit he was fast, but I was able to catch up to him. He slows down, now's my chance! I tackled him and put his hands behind his back.

"Now tell me why you needed that shovel before I turn you over for stealing." I made sure to make a position that won't let him escape my grasp.

He pants in exhaustion, "I was trying to save my friend damnit, last I heard about him is that he was trapped in a damn igloo."

"Wait, Igloo?" A person was stuck in another Igloo?!

"yes, now let me go before I do something that won't let me forgive myself."

"....You're coming with me." I put him in handcuffs and went back to the store. X told me that Smg3 was stuck with Smg4, so I'll have to interrogate him first.

"You know if you wanted to interrogate me about something, you can rely with me not having handcuffs."

"I don't trust criminals like you."

"What, just because I stole a snow shovel doesn't mean that I'm a criminal."

I rolled my eyes, and went to X.

"Don't tell me we have to interrogate him."

"Does it look like you have a choice?"

"*sigh* fair. I just hope that lady doesn't interrupt again."

"You let her in and still don't know her name?"

"Never had a chance to talk to her to be honest."

We dragged him home, and interrogated him.


Smg3's POV

I looked at 4, he seemed very tired and felt like he wants to go to sleep. We both went to bed, and slept. It has been a long day of digging and conversations, tiring, but really fun.

Sometimes I wish that we would be stuck here forever.




I also apologize that it was so long before I upload a chapter. I've been loosing focus/ideas for this book so I'm sorry if this turned out bad.

But I'm back and I'll try to write Day 7 of this book. Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.1K READS, It means a lot to me to see that people actually like this book.

How to survive in an igloo without a gay panic, A Smg34 book [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now