Chapter 8: Stories

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Ella wondered through out the town, searching for food to eat and make. The talk of the town was the mysterious princess, how everyone tried to prove it was them, but nothing prevailed. Of course, Kit wasn't happy about it, as he was forced to marry another princess. 

"You have to marry for the kingdom's good...."

"Father, we don't have time for this." 

Little did Kit, know his father was on the verge of death. There, he sat beside his bed talking with his father. 

"But, I shall let you find her, and marry her under my orders." 


"Kit. How are you going to be a prince?" 

"I'll have courage, and be kind...." 

Kit's father remained speechless. He was so proud, didn't know what to say. He just stared at his son in his deathbed and eventually said. 

"You've been taught well.... I'm proud." 

Kit then leaned onto his father and they both cried, until he passed away.


Ella stayed in town searching for breads, until the guards came to annouce something. 

"The prince declares, that if the mystery princess is to bring herself to the palace, with her glass slipper, the prince will... Marry her!" 

Every maiden started talking, whispering, and started running off, to try and replicate it. However, Ella had already ran home to get it. 

She arrived home, and hurried to the attic. There, she looked at her secret stash... But the shoe wasn't there.... 

"Looking for this?" 

Her stepmother raised the slipper, staring at Ella. 

"Looks like it has a story to it. Care to tell me?" 

Ella remained speechless. 

"Fine. If you won't tell me yours, I'll tell you one." 

Ella stood up. 

"Once upon on a time, there was a young maiden, who loved her husband. But then, he died. After so much grief, She found another man to love. But he too died. Like that story?" 

Ella still couldn't say anything. 

"Here's the deal, you will go to the palace, marry your prince, but shall make me the head of the royal family and my daughters have husbands with advantage. That way, we get what we all want." 

Tremaine was about to leave the room, until Ella said something. 


Tremaine turned around. 


Ella for the first time ever, spoke to her stepmother in a mean way. 

"I will protect him from you, and make sure he never faces you!" 

With that, Tremaine lost it and smashed the slipper into the wall. 

"Ho-Ho-How could you! Why are you so cruel!?" 

"Why!? Because I am old, and bad! AND YOU! ARE YOUNG! AND GOOD!" 

"No one deserves to be treated the way you treated me, no one deserves it. No one deserves to be treated by you like garbage!" 

Her stepmother gasped, and quickly left the attic locking the door. 

"NO! NO!" 

Ella was stuck in her attic.... 


"Forget the mystery princess, please...." 

"Fine. I shall marry a princess, but you shall find her, whatever it takes." 

"Yes sir." 

When they went off to search, Tremaine arrived at the palace with the shattered shoe. 

"You could see how shocked I was, when I found out the servant girl was the mysterious "princess"." 

The grand duke smiled. 

"You have saved the kingdom a great embarassment." 

"And I hope to keep it that way..." 

The grand duke smiled even more. 

"Are you threatening me?" 


"What do you want?" 

"I'd like me and my daughters to have advantageous marriages and live in the palace." 

"Done. And the servant girl?" 

"Oh, do whatever you want." 

With that, the deal was closed. 

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