| T H I R T E E N |

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"Daddy." I moaned.

What a great word.

My only job was to straddle Fred's lap with my hips up, leaning against his chest. I clamped my hands down in the fabric of the back of the couch, moaning again. My other hand fisted in his hair, tugging it.

He thrusted up into me hard. He sucked on one of my boobs making the pleasure better.

I was so fucking sensitive.

He's already made me cum twice.

"Oh my god please!" I yelped, I tried to move my hips but just got a hard slap on my ass.

"You gotta hold it princess." He grunted, pulling back for a second then slamming back up in me as I yelled out in a moan.

"No no no- please- please let me cum." I whined, I hate when he fucking edges me.

"C'mon love, can't you listen to daddy for once?"

That's going to make me cum harder.

It's the first time Fred's fucked me in like two weeks and five days. Doesn't seem like that long right? To Fred it's like two years. I'm covered in hickeys. All over my neck and shoulders. Some on my tits and my stomach. And my thighs. I even have some on my back- and my ass, but that's when he was going down on me.

I thought it would be fun to tease Fred for like a couple extra days, didn't think of the end result though. He's getting back every round he missed.

We settled down for a movie two hours ago- at nine at night. So now it's 11. And Fred made me cum only twice. That's how long he's edged me. The movie is long gone done too.

"Daddy please." Maybe that will get him to let me finish. I squeezed my legs together, fed up and pushing my hips down, attempting to get control.

In a quick movement, I was flat on my stomach, face pressed against the couch, Fred thrusted into me faster... and harder. I reached to grab something but he grabbed both wrists and pinned them behind my back.

"I love when you get bold. Because then I get to pound your cunt raw." He whispered beside my ear and I moaned. He sat up a little, thrusting so deep into me his hips pushed against my ass almost every thrust.

"Freddie." I whimpered.

"Arch your back for me princess." He grunted and I did, and somehow he got deeper in me. "Look how good you are." He cooed against my ear. "You wanna cum for the third time?" I nodded my head yes quickly. "Words little girl."

"Yes please." I whined, "please." I begged, he went harder on me the more I repeated the word please.

He grunted, thrusting very hard into me, I pushed my knees up to push my ass up but he pushed my hips back down. "Want me to edge you longer?" He warned.

"No! Please let me cum!" I groaned, rolling my head to the side. "Daddyyy."

"You're so fucking needy."

Yep. Now let me fucking cum.

"Fred please just let me cum. Please." I whined again. I honestly don't care if he hits my ass red for coming when I can't. But it's a risk I'm willing to take.

I just gave up.

I let my body loose against the couch, driving my head into the couch and groaned. I closed my eyes and fisted my hand, though it was into nothing cause Fred still had both wrists pinned back behind me.

"Please." I groaned into the cushion.

"Go ahead love."

There it is!

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