| T W E N T Y - E I G H T |

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Malfoy and Kalen wanted to make dinner, so we let them, and we knew it was a disaster waiting to happen.

"It's lasagna, it'll be super easy to make." Kalen scoffed.

So we took his word.

It takes about an hour and a half to make lasagna so we all split up to kill time. Fred and I decided to walk to the town down the trail.

Unlike yesterday when we first went, it was dark outside, which scared the crap out of me when we had to walk there. It was almost pitch black outside and I was on the verge of tears as I clung onto Fred.

But once we got to the town we were golden. There was a less amount of people at night and fairy lights strung from building to building to cast a dim yellow glow.

We never got to all of the stores yesterday so now we're just looking around, sometimes I would drag Fred in one to look at something, then we would keep on moving.

"Fred!" I gasped as I pointed to a boutique.

"No." He grumbled.


"Bee, not a fucken chance."

So... it may be a lingerie boutique.

"Please please please please."

"Go inside yourself."

"But I want you to come in with me."

"Please don't make me." He groaned, I took his hand and tugged gently, bringing him to the doors of the shop. "Bee please."

"Freddie, no."

"You have enough."

"You're just saying that. I know you love it when I come home with a new pair."

"Yeah, cause I'm not with you when you buy them."

"One second," I whispered, "just one." I pulled him into the store and his head immediately bowed down. He suddenly seemed very interested in the ground.

I, however, was now. This place is fucking amazing!

I held Fred's hand as I moved around the store, looking at the underwear sitting on the tables and shelves. Fred never looked up.

"Pink or red?" I whispered.

"Whatever you want." He muttered. I frowned.

"The whole point of me bringing you in here with me was to help me." I mumbled. I wasn't trying to torture him. "Let's go."

"Pink, cotton and thong cut." He mumbled and finally looked up. His cheeks were all red. Poor boy. I smiled though and reached up to kiss his cheek, and I did. I planted a big kiss on his cheek then turned around and looked back up at the shelf.

Freddie stuck close to me and put his hands on my waist, looking over my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile. He's too cute.

"Those ones," he whispered, one of his arms went around my torso as he reached forward and grabbed a pair of black mesh panties with threaded designs all along it, and on the centre of the thin waistband was a little baby blue bow.

He pointed to few other pair of panties, then I wandered over to the bra area. He found a few over there that he liked too.

He paid for them then passed me the bag and we left. "Thank you." I looked up at him with a cheeky smile.

"Mhm, we should head back. Hopefully the place isn't burnt down yet." He put his arm around my shoulder then pressed his lips to my temple.

"I hope it's not. I'm really hungry." I sighed and he chuckled. I'm being serious! I really don't wanna walk all the way back out here to buy pizza. My legs have had enough for today.

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