Not Alone - Freylin

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This story is from my FanFiction.Net account and I have Just copied it onto here to give you guys more content. I haven't edited it at all so if there are any errors I'm sorry. Everything from here was written a few years ago, including the authors note.

The knights were having a simple training session. It was early in the morning and only the round table knights were on the field. Merlin had run back into the castle when they had finished setting up, saying he "needed to do jobs for Gaius."

When Gwaine and Lancelot were sparring Lancelot received a cut on his forearm. The knights, who were bored with training, suggest they all go with him to see Gaius. Muttering and joking the whole way there, they finally arrived at Gaius' chambers.

Arthur pushed open the door to find no one inside. The knights flooded in anyway and sat down on benches scattered around the room, willing to wait if it meant skipping training. Suddenly they heard a mumbling coming from Merlins room.

Arthur, assuming his idiotic manservant was in his room, didn't hesitate to walk up and swing Merlins door open. An action that he would later wish he had not chosen. Merlin was in his room, but he was not alone.

The knights heard a girl scream and Merlin shout, so from instinct they stood up and looked towards the opened door. Merlin was sitting on his bed shirtless; a brunette girl was straddling his lap, her dress was slightly undone at the front.

"Close the door, you prat!" Merlin shouted and Arthur did as he was told, not that he took orders from his frie- manservant... no he just chose to do it anyway. Arthur turned to his knights to see they were all as shocked as he was.

"Well...that was unexpected." Lancelot said.

"Why wasn't I told about this?" Gwaine started to complain.

A few minutes later Merlin and the girl emerged from the room, both fully clothed. The girl sat down on an empty bench in silence, all of the knights following her every move.

Merlin cleared his throat, bringing their attention away from his lover. He was standing in the middle of the chambers, glaring at the knights, mostly Arthur.

"What do you want?" Merlin asked, his voice monotone.

"Why do you assume we want something? Why don't you just assume we are great friends and want to spend time with you on this fine day?" Gwaine looked deeply offended, they all knew it was a facade. Merlin continued to glare at Gwaine, waiting for the real answer. Finally it came, "Lancelot cut his arm." Gwaine sighed.

"I cut my arm? You cut my arm!" Lancelot defended.

Merlin just sighed at his friends antics and walked over to get salve and bandages from the table behind Gwaine. As he leant over him, Gwaine noticed something.

"You've got something there... on your neck." Gwaine grinned and gestured to the love bite just above Merlins collarbone. Merlin grumbled and adjusted his neckerchief to cover it.

When Merlin was finished patching up Lancelot the knights all stood up.

"We'll leave you to now, with... Sorry I don't know your name." Elyan mumbled his words and turned to the girl.

"Freya." The girl replied. Merlin knew there would be more teasing and questions asked from his friends when the girl in question was not present. The knights all proceeded to leave, grinning and giggling like little girls as they passed.

"Hmm.. I wonder what 'things' Elyan was talking about." Merlin smirked sarcastically. Freya stood as Merlin walked to her, putting his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

"I don't know, maybe we should find out." Freya grinned suggestively.

Just as their lips were about to touch the door swung open and someone walked in.

"I think I left my gloves on the tabl-"


"You know, maybe I'll just get them later, or tomorrow, or even never... yeah, nevers good."

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