I Worry About Her

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Carina's POV

Today is not being a very good day, the hospital has been busier than usual, I have worked nonstop since my shift started and to top it all off, Maya had to attend to a 5-alarm fire shortly before her 24-hour shift ended, she texted me as they were leaving the station and I haven't heard from her since, that was 3 hours ago. So here I am, sitting on the couch in my office after a long delivery, checking my cell phone every 5 minutes, hoping to receive a message from my wife.

Since Miller's death it has been even more difficult for me not to worry about Maya, I thought that maybe over time I would get used to her work and it would be easier for me to deal with these feelings, but it seems that it is the opposite. I remember the first time I consciously worried about her, it was for Rigo's accident, our relationship was quite recent. Before that I always knew firefighting was dangerous, but it wasn't until I ran into Ben at the hospital that day and he told me about what happened that I started to really realize how dangerous it could be, maybe because until then I had never known a firefighter very closely.


- "Ben, I haven't seen you in so long, how's everything going?" I asked seeing him walk towards me in one of the hospital corridors.

- "Oh, hello Carina, yes, everything is fine, everything is fine" he replied as if he was distracted and as I got closer to him, I realized that something was wrong.

- "Are you sure everything is okay?"

- "It's just that today has been a difficult day" he explained letting out a sigh "I'm here because I came to drop off a colleague who had an accident on the call we just were in."

The first thing that came to my mind when I heard that was Maya, we had had a few encounters after I met her at the bar, mostly to have sex, so it wasn't that we had talked much, but I knew that Maya was the captain of Ben's team, at that moment I was invaded by a strange feeling, a desperation to know about her, to know how she was.

- "Oh, I hope it's not that serious" I said, not only because I really didn't wish anyone ill but also to find out a little more about the situation "What kind of accident was it? Is everyone else okay?"

- "Yeah, we're all fine, just a little shaken. There was an explosion and Rigo was very close, he suffered a perforation to his abdomen... and I thought that the trouble was already over when the fire at the gas station was controlled and an explosion was prevented there, there seemed to be nothing on the other side, but Rigo and Jack were fighting and maybe that's why they didn't notice in time..." Ben let out another heavy sigh. "I'm sorry for telling you all this..."

- "Don't worry, if I can help you by listening to you, I'm happy to do it" I hastened to tell him with a smile trying to comfort him a little.

- "Thank you, Carina. You know Bishop, right?" he asked me directly, which surprised me a little and at the same time worried me more. I just nodded to reply to which he continued "Maybe you should talk to her, things haven't been too good for her at the station and with everyone blaming her for what happened today I don't think things will get better anytime soon, she doesn't have any friends at all at the station for now, but I think a friend is just what she needs."

- "Why would they blame her for this?" I asked a little confused.

- "For being the captain. She assigned Jack and Rigo to work together when she knew they had been having serious personal problems for days."

- "But personal problems shouldn't affect them at work, that's their fault, not Maya's" I answered angrily, for some reason I felt the need to protect her.

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