Chapter 39 - Babysitting

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Once in the car, I quickly returned Cassie's call.

"Hey, Cassie! How have y'all been? Is my little Perseus letting you sleep at night? Or is he being a little devil and you want to hand him over to me so that you can nap?" I laughed at myself and waited for Cassiopeia's reply. Not that I would mind watching over my godson but last I heard he was a complete angel, only crying when he was hungry or has cramps.

Perseus is already 2 months old, it seems like it was just yesterday that he was born... I haven't seen him since the beginning of September, he must be so big now! It's incredible how much a baby can grow in the span of just a few days.

"Hey, Sage! We're good, Perseus is still an angel but you're partially right. Jazim and I wanted to ask you if you could babysit him tonight, just for a few hours. We wanted to go on a date but you know we can't leave him with our parents... Shauwn will also be there and you haven't seen Perseus in almost two weeks..."

"Cassie, dear, you don't have to convince me. I will always be free to babysit my godson as long as I'm alive, even if I have to clear my schedule for him. I only have one slight problem."

"What is it? Is there anything I can help you with? Are you on bed rest? I heard from Jully that you've been having some trouble with our girl."

"No, no, nothing of that kind. I'm just staying at Isaack's house and I don't know if Meredith will approve of me watching Perseus there."

"Oh, that's no problem, mom loves babies." Issack quickly exclaimed.

"I'll call her to make sure she is ok with this and then I'll call you back, if need be we could always pick you up and you could watch Perseus at our house."

"Ok, Cassie, see ya in a bit." We end the call and after that, it didn't take us long to arrive at Meredith's house. We left the car but Zeke didn't come out of the car.

"Are you not coming, Zeke?" Hazel asks him.

"No, I need to go to the warehouse today. I have training with uncle Jack and my dad is there waiting for me." Oh, so that's how he got so robust. Well, at least he's more muscled than he was one year ago, and he's taller, a lot taller. He transformed from a stick to a tall less stick guy with some muscle.

But leaving Zeke's physic alone I have one idea. It's a good thing Zeke is going to the warehouse after all. He just needs to hold on for a bit before going.

"Yeah, well you'll just have to be a bit late because I need you to do a small delivery. Give me twenty minutes and you're good to go." Hazel and Isaack looked at me confused but Zeke nodded his head, he understood what I meant and came inside with us.

"Sagie! Why didn't you tell me you have a cute baby as your godson? I can't wait for Jazim and Cassie to bring him over! Oh, I just LOVE babies so much!" Meredith was singing and running and dancing around the house while carrying boxes around, you would think the kid is moving in with us by the way she dances.

"See, I told you she would have no problem with it." Isaack muttered while shaking his head and left to go leave his backpack upstairs in his room.

"Mom what are you doing? Are those my baby things?" Issack asked Meredith when she passed by him on the stairs with a huge box in her hands.

"Of course they are. It's not like you need them. Perseus will be a very happy baby tonight, I will make sure of that." She told us and went back to singing.

"Ok, this is weird." I muttered and Hazel cracked a smile.

"You should have seen her with Cameron, she offered to watch him whenever aunt Stella needed and freaked out uncle John so bad that he went to do a triple background check before deeming Meredith baby crazy." Damn, that's something...

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