Chapter Finale Light It Up!

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Somewhere in Honnouji Academy..
What lies is a ruin of the city, with the academy standing tall. Today was the day, the day of reckoning of a final battle between skin and clothes. The COVERS vs the Nudist Colony, this will be the past of infinite darkness. There lead Satsuki and everyone else, taking a deep breathe.

Satsuki: "CHAARRGEE!!" And just like that. Majority of everyone started running fast, before proceeding to make stacks upon themselves of the one star students. At the top, shown to be Sanageyama.

Sanageyama: "How do you like it? This is the ultra Goku Uniform Centurion Cavalry Formation! Charge!" Standing at the top, they all slammed into a force field, only for the tower of students to break instantly. Everyone flying about, but Sana couldn't give up. Hopping onto each students for a boost. "I'm just getting started!" Stabbing his weapon in, releasing off green electricity only to be shot backwards.

Shiro: "It's the high velocity life fibers jammer. It spins tiny life fibers at high speed to-" Jeff stopped, basically interrupting him.

Jeff: "So a life form force field yes?" Ready to reply, he just sighed nodding. Jeff turns seeing Sanageyama on the ground. "ow..." he whined, Gamagoori helps him up to his feet. "Are you ok Sanageyama?" He nodded until the little Jakuzure had to make a remark on him. "That's what you get for running ahead by yourself!" Inumata even joins in. "You never learn, do you?" We had to make a plan, Aikuro speaking up. "We have to turn off that jammer!" Wow. Captain fucking obvious, right? "We're stopped in our tracks, huh?" Looking back up, I saw an explosion at the Honnouji tower, Y/n and the girls fighting Ragyo...

With Y/n
Sending a kick at Ragyo, she only grabbed my leg before throwing me against a wall. Satsuki came from behind, only for Ragyo to try block as she accepted both blades in her hands. Just to break them with ease, kicking Satsuki far off. Looking up, Ryuko tried jabbing Nui head off, except she blocks it with just her new arms of her fingers, "you are always in my way.. Now, allow me to show you just who the master is." Shining a bright light, it started to blind out just everyone until I noticed something suspicious.

Y/n Mind: "Where.. where are there stars?!" Looking back, both Ryuko and Satsuki are out of their Kamui!? Facing Ragyo, I hear her. "Shinra...Koketsu. Absolute Submission!" Whatever it was, must've been deactivating everyone's Goku and Kamui! "What's wrong Senketsu?!" I could barely hear him, he really must be weak. "I have no strength... whenever I'm hit by that light, my body is paralyzed with fear!" But.. he doesn't have a body, he's clothing. Ragyo only laughs, explaining her outfit. "Shinra-Koketsu is the master of all life fibers. Life Fibers who rebel against it tremble in fear and are rendered powerless. This is Absolute Submission." Snapping her fingers, opening up something from the tower only to show projectors as they started showing things. "These are images from around the world captured by the communications satellite. Look, the people of the world are all wearing clothing made by REVOCS. When I unleash the power of Absolute Submission across the world, the dormant life fibers inside REVOCS clothing will awaken. Every last human being will be swallowed up by their clothing, and the earth will be covered in a single piece of cloth. The Earth with become a Cocoon Sphere, and the new life fibers that will be born will be scattered across the cosmos." Nui smiled, blushing at the thought from this plan. Fucking weirdo.. "This is the fundamental truth of the universe. You no longer have any means of opposing me." Moving my arms, I just realized. My family NEVER bought anything REVOCS related nor have I! Smirking, I took a deep breathe until both Aikuro and Tsumugu stepped in. "We're still here to oppose you!" They shouted in unison, "were stripping down to our bare nudist souls! In our ultimate double naked DTR!" What.. the.. fuck.. that name sounds like a sex position or god knows what. How and why are they able to from their mecha suits together?!- wait never mind. It was useless considering they both got punched off from the tower as I stared down.

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