Chapter 14 The blood is lava...

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It was only a void, no where and everywhere as Ryuko was in it.

Ryuko: "W-Wha?" she looked worried looking around for anything, wasn't sure where exactly was she till seeing a long red hallway appearing.

Ryuko: "What is this...?" Looking through she opened a door as it showed a young boy with grey hair sitting down in a fancy looking room. Slowly walking towards him, the door shot open, showing a tall lady with long grey hair with lot of fancy jewelry and dress.

???: "Y/n!! Quit playing with those worthless old toys and come down for your sisters picture!!" yelling and proceeded to be slamming the door. The boy slowly looked down hugging a soft stuffed bear, Ryuko was shocked seeing it be Y/n so young, but seriously adorable as she rubbed his head. The boy did nothing so it must've been a memory as everything slowly formed black. Until she appeared at some building with lot of people. She heard loud cheering looking round but noticed it was Y/n again in the ring but dead covered in blood with the man, he described before in his story, this was the day he learned his way.....she watched seeing his lifeless body worried until he seen Y/n slowly getting up barely standing holding his head tight. All of sudden he stomped the ground, his eyes glowing bright orange eyes, burning bright red hair. With a battle cry he charged at the big guy with a burning fist and it cut to black. Ryuko slowly laughed to herself smiling.

Ryuko: "No matter what, he was determined...Y/n you little fire starter." smiling widely until she started hearing Ragyo voice.

Ragyo: "My my~...Y/n finally at the palm of my hands you will finally maybe be the one I looked for better~" She held Y/n's body slowly giving off a kiss. Ryuko shook as she knew it can't be true as she held her head feeling a headache and voices come with the void starting to turn up in flames she burned screaming loudly trying to ignore the fast pace it was too late giving off a wake up call.

Senketsu: "RYUKO!" is what been heard as Ryuko quickly woke up.

After the horrible image, I'm looking round my surroundings in cold sweating a bit until getting hugged by Senketsu sleeves

Senketsu: "Ryuko thank goodness your alright!" happily shouting sighing in relief

Ryuko: "You too Senketsu...wait..where's Y/n?" Y/n should be around right? No way he got taken...

Senketsu: "I-I...d-don't know...Jeff is the only guardian I've seen except the other 3-" suddenly heard grunting seeing a door kicked open as it showed Alpha carrying Bravo arm round his shoulder

Alpha: "Well seems like sleeping beauty is awake..." he pointed out. Setting Bravo down onto a chair whose been holding his side a bit

Ryuko: "Alpha, what happen? Where is everyone? Where's Y/n?" throwing off questions at him while he only slowly sat down the edge of my bed taking a deep breathe

Alpha: "Well...we went bit insane taking off Ragyo while me n Bravo managed launching you guys outta here and everyone is just with Jeff right now telling stories and our times together but Y/n.....I-......." He's been silent at the last part, unable to say anything so he just decided pointing out the door making me get up

Senketsu: "W-Wait! Ryuko you need rest!" warning me while I'm walking still, suddenly we started hearing a loud ear piercing shriek

Jeff: "Holy shit these things really do love being annoying!!" After some time the elite 4, Satsuki and rest of Nudist beach been fighting those fucking covers or shit.

~~MEANWHILE~~JEFF P O VJeff: "Holy shit these things really do love being annoying!!" After some time the elite 4, Satsuki and rest of Nudist beach been fighting those fucking covers or shit

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