Chapter 13 This is not a normal cultural festival..

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After some time thinking, Y/n hasn't came back which is worrisome but possibly must've went home..I've tried calling him but nothing came up so guess will have to hope faith is on our side catching on, we've been watching through some monitors seeing Honnouji Academy of some major event

Ryuko: "So hacking in cameras?" asking if that's how were seeing them

Aikuro: "No, these are hidden cameras set up around the academy that I've taken time putting around"  Tsumugu continued after him

Tsumugu: "If Ragyo appears for this festival, then something big is coming and its bad.." This'll be interesting..

Ryuko: "Say we heard of it, but who even is Ragyo?" wondering about this since it must be Satsuki's mother of course

Omiko: "Is she the higher uppers for Lady Satsuki?" she questioned which received a nod

Aikuro: "She is the one who leads REVOCS CEO for life fibers around the world, using that position towards her advantage" after that he showed a picture of Ragyo Kiryuin wearing weird choice in clothing

Ryuko: " mother like daughter, both whores just gaudier then satsuki honestly"  They nodded from my comment (Even tho she'll learn shes the daughter of Ragyo but sure)

Aikuro: "Also the most dangerous person then Satsuki so worthy a formidable opponent" he changed the screen again as it started showing ton of trucks moving in hauling towards Honnouji Academy

Tsumugu: "Ain't this interesting, what could they possibly be doing?..." he wonder, Aikuro started thinking and that he panics

Aikuro: "T-They can't be! She's actually gonna perform the final experiment at Honnouji Academy!" he shouted, we looked at him confused which he sighed too explaining it

Aikuro: "Ya see, Honnouji Academy is actually a experimental city, they have been trying to study with Goku Uniforms seeing how they'll work and for human resistance of Life Fibers with the military use for conquering all of the country's academies and forcefully put Goku uniforms laced onto teens and more! Those with highest, after she is finished she'll offer up the last person as the sacrifice for Life Fibers. That way they'll awaken the Life fibers to soon convert everyone laced with them into Life Fibers, that's the true meaning of this festival..." After finishing his explanations we started getting worried for Y/n

Ryuko: "So its possible that the clothes they'll wear will kill Y/n and Mako's family?!! NO! I can not let that happen especially towards Y/n!" yelling a bit mad, can't lose Y/n to just clothes. Senketsu started to speak up gaining my attention

Senketsu: "Actually Ryuko, I don't think the clothes they give him will even matter, his blood is seriously like lava so spicy and hot but when tasted it just kills you...I manage tasting a small drop which I'll admit, was magnificent but incredibly hot n spicy. So if those clothes actually try wearing him they possibly burn off trying" Feeling at ease, this could be good maybe he won't get killed- wait...

Ryuko: "Wait when did you even try Y/n's blood?!!" Realizing about it, cause how would he know?

Senketsu: "Well...remember how you lost control and after turning back you noticed his blood on your scissor blade?..." with that, I went silent thinking

Senketsu: "I may have gotten the taste right off the spoon...." he finished making me slowly look at him

Ryuko: "Your not getting the ironing tonight..." he gasped whining a bit chuckling a bit, well guess I've gotta save Y/n yet again. Missed that honestly

Y/n P O V
I've been walking towards the Academy, on my phone bored why? Well first off there is nothing good and I'm curious about this dumb festival so might try out seeing it yea my suits burned up but is that my problem? Course not! Don't give a shit I'll see them try killing me...

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