The Brother.

It had to be him.
Of course, it had to be him.

The next morning you woke up, got ready, went to the armory at the correct time and everything, only for him to be right there, sitting in front of the Armorer.

Just my luck.
You thought bitterly.

The Armorer explained to him before you left that there had been a slight change in plans, that you were joining him outside of the covert, and he didn't seem to care from how you viewed him. After that awkward five minutes, you were dismissed and you left side by side. His strides were long, taking half the time it took you to walk normally to get to the exit, and there was a slight hint of humble confidence in it.

Both your boots echoed off the walls of the sewer system, that being the only sound besides the faint laughter of the Foundlings up ahead near the stone steps. It seemed that they were playing some sort of game with their shoes by pointing them out.
"Wonga, winga, cingee, wooze, which of these do I choose!" One of them chimed proudly as she pointed to the shoe of another child who groaned.
"Why is it always me who gets picked first?!" He mumbled before backing away from the circle and sitting on the floor with a humf.

You chuckled to yourself, a small grin finding its way onto your lips then you turned back to look in front of you as you followed your companion up the steps. However, he stopped at the top, pulling back the long dark curtain with one hand and stepping to the side.

"After you?" He said.
You stood there for a second, looking at him up and down, and scoffed quietly as you passed him to the outside.

It was warm as hell, especially with the armor, but you managed as you always have. None of the people around paid any mind to either of you since the people here have seen so much that the sight of two Mandalorians is next to nothing compared to anything else. The small market was alive with chatter; either yelling about sales or arguing for a better bargain. It was the same as it always has been.

You went down the quickest ways towards the edge of the city where the shipyard was, with him still behind you, since you were determined to get to the cantina and get some new jobs. Like you had said to Greef yesterday, it's been too long since you've been able to work.
So now that you had the opportunity, you wanted to get as many done as possible.
And hopefully, look good doing it.

Once you got to the correct road, you turned left, and there you were at the cantina's entrance. The man behind you stopped as you went to enter.
"Wait, you're a part of the Guild?" He questioned.
You ignored him and walked inside, not noticing how he then shook his head before following after.

Like the market, it was full of people and they were all loud. When you walked in though some of the talking died down and a few stared at you.
"Do'a!" Greef called out to you from his booth, a smile painted on his face. "You finally came back."
You returned the smile. "Who said I wouldn't?" You went and sat across from him then sighed.
"I told you I'd be back. Even if you wanted to, you can't keep me away forever."
"I sure in the hell can't." Greef chuckled. He however looked past you towards the door. "Oh, and there he is! Look, this is the one I was telling you about!" He stood up and took a few steps only for the one you currently were trying to avoid interacting too much with to meet him halfway and shake his hand firmly.

"Mando, it's good to see you." Greef patted his shoulder then gestured over to you. "Have you met... well, sorta like you, we just call her Mandoa or Do'a for short."
The man, or 'Mando', glanced back at you over his shoulder, catching your gaze.
"Yes, I have."

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