
You just wanted to bang your helmet against a wall. Again.
You hated Tatooine with a living passion.
Having to walk around the Maker-forsaken planet with armor as heavy as yours wasn't the best idea in the galaxy.
It was a miracle that anything could survive here.

One of the suns was slowly rising above the dunes and horizon, waiting for its twin to join it. Sand blew all around you as it pushed you back but you fought it. It didn't help that the grains were lodged into your armor, making it harder to move and your ears cringe from the sound of scraping against the paint and metal.
You shook your head and carried on.
You had hoped to be able to get a new paint job soon anyways once you had the and time money for it.

For a moment you paused, chest heaving up and down in an attempt to breathe. But all the air around you, and blowing into your helmet was stuffy.
You looked around the barren land in a hurry before bringing your hand up to discard of the helmet, coughing as you breathed in freely.

Maker, why did it have to be so windy in the morning? You blinked as to keep your hair and the sand out of your eyes but it didn't really do much. However, it was better than wearing the helmet.
If you just walked slowly enough, then you'd be able to walk without the helmet for longer, even if your destination was in far sight. Perfect.

Your strides slightly dragged as you drank the small amount of water left in one of your flasks. You know, maybe it was good that you were in the sun for more than the remaining minutes of the day like always. From how strong the suns are on Tattooine, that'd bring the chance for a few freckles to pop up on your face and neck, which you hadn't seen happen since your were a Padawan and could bask in the sunshine all you wanted.

Alderaan's capital Aldera was never much.
Sure, it was lovely, but everything was the same, nothing really ever changed besides politics and you never really cared for them.
It didn't make sense...
Why do the Jedi say they stand for peace, but get involved with politics which causes uproar?
But what would a Padawan know...
At least Master Taisida agrees.

The grass was soft and the evergreen trees were as high as ever. The grass cradled you like a small child, which in some ways, you still were. It was sad that Padawans a lot of the time were no longer considered children as soon as they're brought to the temple.
It's okay, here you got the chance to be one. Even if it's just for a moment.

The sun shone through the leaves, creating heavenly rays that glew with energy. This entire forest was full of energy, more than the city full of people was. And no one could understand that.
The wind blew, giving a chill, yet, those rays warmed you back up to bring the balance.
Laying in this forest was the peace most Jedi searched for.
If only they listened to the meek little Padawan...

Before whatever it was could reach you, your blaster had already been pulled out and shot, striking the creature down instantly.
A dark colored dog-ish thing laud limp on the rising sand dune, whimpering and twitching to get back up. It wasn't any use though. With a shot wound and the heat, there's no way it'd survive.
You walked up to it cautiously to not startle it too much as your head throbbed with sensory alarms still going off the hook.
"Shh," You whispered to the whimpering thing, which you how realized was a baby Anooba.
It saw you approaching and bared its long sharp teeth to warn you to back off.
And you still didn't care.
You came up beside her while carefully dodging the tail-smack attempts.
"I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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