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The Order

The Force around you felt cold.
Colder than usual.
As if something bad was about to happen.
But you shook it off, there was nothing to worry about, if your Master didn't bring it up or notice your unease then it was unnecessary.
(You still checked for your lightsaber at your hip, just to be sure it was there)

You were leaning against the wall, waiting for your Master to be done with his meeting. You were also accompanied by three clones. They were from your squadron and they were the closest things you had to a family.

While two laughed about some joke one of them made, the captain whose chosen name was Focus, turned to you with his helmet under his arm. "Everything alright, Commander?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Why'd you ask?" You said, brushing off all of your previous feelings.
"You just seem a little on edge, well, everyone does... Even your Master." Focus sighed, shaking his head.
You laughed. "Jedi Masters are always on edge and you can't deny that. But maybe it's just because the war is getting tense!"

He smirked and nodded but looked down at his wrist when it started to blink. After pressing a few buttons he gasped slightly.
"What happened?" You questioned, starting to get a little excited. Whenever Focus reacted like that to something then it was almost always good news.

"General Kenobi apparently found Grievous on Utapow, and if he kills him then the war is over!" Focus replied, a smile painted on his face.
Your eyes widened along with the other two, Ghost and Steve, and you practically copied his happiness. "Really?!"
"You're not joking, right?" Ghost raised an eyebrow, pulling Focus' wrist closer to him to see if it was true. "Dank Farrik, you really aren't joking..."

Your mind was taking laps!
The Clone Wars? Over for good?!
Maybe when it's over you could go on more missions with your Master, to cool places like Kijimi or Naboo!
It took everything not to jump up with joy right there in front of your comrades so you merely showed it through your big smile.

Just then, the door to the small meeting room opened and your Master, Taisida, emerged, hands behind his back. You and the clones straightened up immediately and made a way for him to pass. Master Taisida was way taller than the average man (probably because he was Chiss), he always kept his silky dark hair tied in a slightly messy bun, and his blue skin and red eyes made him seem scary, but he was nowhere near it. You could easily say he was the kindest, most gentlest person in the Galaxy. He fit his role as a Jedi Master, and you wouldn't ask for any other to teach you the ways of the Force.
(Also, his real name was Bis'aneko'taisida, but since it was so long everyone just called him Taisida)

"How was the meeting, Master Taisida?" You asked as your Master started to walk down the hallway so you four followed, with you right beside him.
"It was fine, Padawan." Master Taisida answered with a thin grin. One that seemed, like Focus had said, on edge... "Master Yoda had a few things he wanted to address me with, nothing more."
You nodded.

Since Master Taisida was on the Jedi Council he happened to be in a lot of meetings like that, and sometimes at random. There was this one time where he had to take one on the battlefield and spoke with ease about whatever the subject of it was while being shot at. You had to say, your Master was the master of multitasking.

"So, General, where to?" Focus spoke up.
"To the ship. We need get to our destroyer so we can go back to Alderaan." Master Taisida answered.
Then you felt his hand on your shoulder and he leaned down close to your ear.

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