Chapter 21

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- Mid May, 2046 - (Present Day)

"Six, eight, two, five. Six, eight, two, five," Jamie muttered quietly to himself as he walked through the basement of what used to be a laboratory. Saying the numbers out loud was the only way he would remember the code to the safe.

His steps were silent, and the only things that could be heard through the basement was the occasional, faint sloshing of the water in his backpack and his whispering. He promised himself that he'd stop for a water break once he reached the safe and retrieved his bag.

When he reached the room where the safe was kept, he opened the door as quietly as possible, used a flashlight to double check that nothing or no one was inside, then closed the door behind him when he stepped in. He found the medium-sized metal safe and knelt in front of it.

His heart dropped when he discovered that the door to it was slightly open. Didn't I close and lock it the last time I was here? He thought to himself as he opened the safe, sighing in relief when he saw that his duffel bag was still there. Then he took a breath and peeked inside, the relief growing when he counted all of its contents.

All of his supplies were there, but he still couldn't shake that something was off. Jamie angled his flashlight inside of the safe, and he felt his heart slam against his ribs in panic. On the bottom of it where his bag used to be, was something messily written in a dark substance.

It appeared smeared due to the way he dragged his bag out of it. When he finally was able to read what it was, he stood up quickly and got ready to go back outside. More blood. Another number.


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