Chapter 16-1: "An Abrupt End to our Happy Lives" (Side- Reality)

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I make it to the training field with mere seconds to spare, stopping with my hands on my knees and taking heavy breaths. "A-Artemis..! I...I didn't- phew! I didn't forget!"

"R-Riku, why are you so out of breath? Did you run all the way here from the slums?!" Artemis asks whilst staring at me in shock.

"Of course I did! I missed five whole days of training and it was supposed to be the big day when I took on a hard quest all on my own!" I groan in frustration at my own stupidity.

"Riku, It's alright." Artemis laughs, patting my head. "I both saw and heard everything you were doing for the slums. I'm not mad and there's still every opportunity available for you still to be able to complete your training."

"What..? You're really not mad? Not even a little bit?" I stare at her, actually somewhat surprised considering I've seen how strict Artemis can be at times.

"Of course not. I might've missed you a little bit, but nothing too serious at the end of the day." She gives me a sweet smile and I internally thank the gods that she is nothing like the rough mentors in all the anime I've seen in my lifetime. "Now then, shall we go select a mission?" I simply grin and give a nod before we head into the guild to select a mission together.

It doesn't take me long to pick one, a B-ranked mission. B-ranks were difficult to complete even with Bibi helping me, so the best way to show that I can hold my own is to complete a B-rank all on my own. "I'll be coming with you in case of a worst-case scenario, so you don't have to worry about getting badly injured or anything of the sort." Artemis assured me as I gave the mission to the receptionist to give me permission to take it.

"About that...I wanna go alone for this one. Completely alone." I turn around to look Artemis in the eye, quickly holding up my hand. "Before you say anything!" She jumps a bit, but stays silent as I ask. "In the future, after I complete my training, I'm not gonna have anyone to watch over me except for Roco when I take on missions, yeah? I know I'm probably not as good with the blades as I could be, but after this much training, if I can't handle this much on my own without coming back alive, then the obvious realization would be that I'll never be ready for it. Please, I want to take this on by myself. Can I ask you to place your faith in me, Artemis?"

She looks at me, not speaking for a few seconds; she simply stares. I slowly tilt my head and give her a confused look. "Um...Artemis?"

"Would you like me to take your first kiss just in case you don't return?" She blurts out suddenly.

My face steams as I blush bright red. "I-I'm not gonna die! Stop teasing me!"

My reaction earns quite the fit of laughter out of Artemis, as per usual. "Sorry, sorry, you just make it too easy sometimes Riku." She reaches over and pinches one of my cheeks. "I hear you. I'll stay behind and wait for you to return. I believe you won't disappoint me, my star pupil." Her pinch turns into a light caress on my cheek.

"You're gonna embarrass me even more at this rate... Stop treating me like a kid when we're only two years apart in age." I huff, shaking my head.

"Very well, if you can complete this mission, then I'll give you all the due respect you deserve. How does that sound?" Just from the sound of her voice alone, it sounds like a lie.

"I'll have faith in you too then..." I narrow my eyes at her. She giggles once more as the receptionist hands me back the sheet with a stamp of approval on it. "Alright, wish me luck." I give her one more smile before walking out of the guild. I'm a bit worried, but with all the gear I'm equipped with, along with the new items I've bought with the numerous amounts of money I made, I'm confident this mission will be a breeze.

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