II: Love On The Brain

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II: Love On The Brain

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II: Love On The Brain

     Courtesy of years of experience initiating power-plays and rectifying dire supernatural situations, Reese understood the importance of having a plan

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Courtesy of years of experience initiating power-plays and rectifying dire supernatural situations, Reese understood the importance of having a plan. In any case, there was the possibility of any number of unexpected supernatural factors springing up to cause problems and further complicate things. The past was a testament to this, Nik and Elijah being prime examples. Acting on impulse was both a luxury she couldn't afford and a death wish — in the long run, it hadn't helped her then, and it probably won't help her now.

There was a list of the expected factors, and the first place was reserved for the Ravens. For the past fourteen years, they'd dominated over everything else, and it wasn't going to change anywhere in the near future.

When she was on the run, Diane did not send witches after Reese.

She sent vampires. Victims of the Viper Murders. It happened once, then twice, then thrice, then again and again. Reese figured after the third time that Diane was being smart, and not risking sending out actual Raven witches. They were already vulnerable as it is.

Of course, that was seven years ago.

Reese, cut off from the coven for three years now, had no idea where they stood. If by a miracle another blood-born Raven hasn't popped up recently, they can't kill her. Not right away, at least. That fact provided her safety, and helped her relax enough to properly enjoy high school.

With Elijah here, though, things were bound to switch up.

So, Reese wasn't surprised when she noticed somebody was stalking her.

It was an annoying intrusion that, unfortunately, she was well acquainted with. Normally, she'd be delighted to have another vampire to torture and maim — it always sent a powerful message, and she got to catch up with the coven drama too; it was a win-win.

Problem was, she had plans for today; plans that were crucial to her increasingly guilty conscience; plans that revolved around Caroline Forbes and her understandable anger at Reese. It was a risk to put off dealing with her stalker, but she decided, after all these lies, it was time to put Caroline first for a change.

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