IV: So Long They Fear

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IV: So Long They Fear

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IV: So Long They Fear

IV: So Long They Fear

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March 25th / 2001

Three days ago, after a good few months of careful consideration, Reese, against all her philosophies, had shaken hands with Elijah Mikaelson and sealed a deal.

She'd been trying to get rid of him for so long, but by the poolside, lit under the moonlight, what he offered had been so tempting. So simple; I help you, you help me; it had the power to guide her in turning the tides of this relentless battle she was fighting.

Of course, before they moved forward with anything, they had to lay themselves bare. Which mostly meant Reese had to stop hiding information that ought to do them good.

Their first step was to work on their best and most powerful weapon: Reese herself.

Raven magic was inherently volatile as it is, and Reese was the product of one of the most powerful witches of the century and a clever, power-hungry Gemini siphoner. Couple that with unfavorable circumstances, and you get a girl with too much power and too little knowledge.

Because sure, she was smart, she was talented, but now that her coven was being infiltrated by vampires, freestyle magic would only get her so far.

Elijah promised he'd be able to convince her he could help.

So far, all he had convinced her of were his exceptional stalking skills.

He'd brought her all the way to Pensacola to sit in a god-awful roadside diner. It was gaudy, with a pink-and-white color scheme and the name, Cupid's Diner. Way below her standards.

From outside, it seemed painful. From inside, it was torturous.

Every surface was coated in a sticky sheen, from the furniture to the utensils. The scent of oil lingered in the air, and flies buzzed about near the counter. Reese sat stiffly inside a booth, scowling, as Elijah ignored the glower she was sending him.

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