V: Tomorrow It Will Be You

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V: Tomorrow It Will Be You

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V: Tomorrow It Will Be You

V: Tomorrow It Will Be You

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6th September / 2002

The Raven Coven, should their secrets be indulged, would be considered most dishonorable in their practices.

ㅤThe first would be their existence itself; as witches, spread across the world, hiding in plain sight, they were both accustomed to and taught to handle situations in which curiosity got the best of humans — plainly. Magic was to be kept utterly hidden, whether that entailed simply renouncing the practice for some time or more brutish measures or a nice compulsion spell.

ㅤThat inevitably formed the basis of all their secrets. The Ravens were a powerful coven, feared by the rest of their kind for the magic they practiced digressed from the conventional spirit and ancestral magic. Reese was privy to the fact that the fear they alarmed in the witch community was due to their rather maudlin affinity for theatrics and the security that came with being labeled villains. No one dared to actually touch them.

Reese would happily admit she enjoyed having them fear her; witches, vampires, werewolves alike. It allowed her to not have to waste time on silly brawls and grudges. In fact, if she were, to be honest, she was quite content spending her days honing her craft and roaming about, just enjoying life without a worry.

Unfortunately, she was not born for a life without worry.

Their purpose was to give sanctuary, a home, to witches cast out by their own covens. A second chance everyone wished to have. And they've made good on it: training schools, orphanages, fair chances and an equal weight of influence for every council member, regardless of past grievances. A harmonious arrangement, but even then, the very core of their power depended on the survival of the three founding bloodlines, the ones who created this special magic that had them rejected by society — the Crowleys, the Biduris, and the Yungs.

ㅤRaven magic was all about amplifying their power through the mind and emotion. It had a . . . rocky history, so to speak, what with the blood links, mind links, life links . . . the sacrifices in the early days, and it would be impossible to forget the dark magic era. But it bled back to them; the power imbalance — although easy to ignore, especially nowadays — between Ravens by blood and the rest.

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