The sorting cerimony

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Ocean's pov

Me and my sister enter into the castle. It was huge! And really beautiful. She took my hand and looked around. That day she did my make up and i looked older. The Great Hall opened and she left my hand. I looked around, the room was beautiful, the ceiling was just mirroring the sky. The first year were there waiting for the sorting. After that the hat finished to sing a song about the creators of the houses, a professor, Mcgrannit or Mc something, i think was her name, called me.

"Ocean Henderson" i breathed, turned to my sister and hugged her, then went were the professor was with the old hat in her hand. She put the hat on me and it started to talk into my mind.
"Ocean Henderson! Well, i see you're a loyal person, smart, you like to read, you love pop music, you're a really brave  and kind person. I know where to put you."

"Griffondor!!!" The hat shouted.

I smiled and went to the Griffondor's table. They all cheered and high fived me.

"We are in the same house!" Ginny yelled hugging me.

"Yes, we are"

Hermione hugged me too.

"So, Ocean, it happens that we are" George said

"In the same house" Fred finished.

That was like they were reading each others' s mind. A bit weird actually.

"We are so happy to have you here" Harry stated.

"Thank you"

I was thinking how this year would be when i heard someone calling my sister's name.
Angel's pov

"Angel Henderson" a old professor that i don't even care what her name was, called my name. I walked where the hat was.

" Another Henderson, well, as i see, you're completely the opposite of your sister, i sure know where to put you"

"Slytherin!!!" The hat yelled. I walked to the Slytherin's table. Everyone cheered and high fived me. I sat next a girl that just after a while i descover, was called Pansy. She was already getting on my nerves. I glared at my sister from the Slytherin's table to the Griffondor's one. She looked like she was sorry for me.

"Everything is fine" i mouthed. She smiled and started to talk with Ginny. A blonde haired boy sat in front of me.

"So, you're new right?" He asked smirking.

"Yeah" i replied playing with my food.

"Well, if you want i can help you to make friends"

"I don't need your help"

"A bit rude, aren't we? I'm Draco Malfoy anyway"

"I'm Angel Henderson"

"You don't seems such an angel to me"

I smirked.

"I am not"

"Are you a pureblood?"

"What kind of question is this? Of course i am"

He smirked.

"We will be great friends"

I giggled, finished to eat and went to my room. My roommate was a girl named Daphne Greengrass. I didn't mind, i would get to know her the next day, that day i was just too tired. I got under the sheets and felt asleep.

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