Dumbledore's army

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Ocean's pov

Umbridge became the new headmaster. She started to put a lot of rules. I officially hated her with all my heart. Seamus and i became a couple.

The N.E.W. T. S. were almost there. Harry was teaching us how to fight Dementors. He was a really good teacher. For Christmas i would go to Seamus, while Angel would stay to Hogwarts with Malfoy. Nobody had to knew about Dumbledore's secret army. There were a lot of us, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Of course no Slytherins. They would tell Umbridge immediately. I didn't even told my sister about that. And this means a lot. About Harry's army, we are really good. My patronus is a tiger. It's so beautiful. We finished the lesson with Harry and everyone greeted each others.

"We will spend Christmas together, i am so happy"

"Yeah, my parents are really excited to meet you"

"I am too"

He took my hand. I greeted my sister and went on the train.

Seamus made me sat on his lap and hugged me, we started snogging each others.

"I love you" he said kissing my cheek.

"I love you too" i said giving him a soft kiss on the lips, a couple of hours later, we arrived to King Cross station. Seamus parents were there, wayving at him. He was still holding my hand.

"Hi Seamus, we missed you so much!" His parents said hugging him.

"Mom, dad, she's Ocean" Seamus said.

"Nice to meet you" i said shyly.

"Oh my god, you're even more beautiful than Seamus told us, you're gorgeous" His mother said smiling sweetly at me.

"Thank you"

She kissed my cheeks and hugged me.

"You must be really special because Seamus in his letters doesn't do anything except talking about you" his father said. I blushed.

Seamus put an arm around my waist and i smiled following his parents.
The Christmas day...

I woke up in a white room. I remembered that was the guests room at Seamus's out. I opened my luggage and took out my presents for Seamus and his parents, i already sent mine to Angel, and she sent me hers. I went to Seamus's room for wake him up by kissing him.

"Hello princess" he said kissing me back, a sweet peck on my lips.

"Merry Christmas" i said giving him my present. It was a magic ring that could make he see Quiddich matches every time he wants to. Then he gave me mine. The Gryffindor's necklage. I was speechless.

"Do you like it?" He asked anxious.

"Are you kidding me? I love it!"

He smiled and kissed me. I opened my sister's present. A photobooth of us, from when we were little until now. Seamus mother made some butterbeer and gingerbread.

"Merry Christmas Christine"

"Oh, Merry christmas to you too Ocean dear"

I handled her my present.

"What is it?"

"My present for you"

"Oh dear you didn't have to worry about it but thank you so much for thinking about us" she said hugging me and taking the packet. It was a muggle pourse but it was really expensive.

"I'm so sorry if you don't like it"

"Darling, i love it"


She nodded and i smiled. Seamus took my hand. Then his father came and i gave him my present. It was a magic clock. He really liked it. Then they gave Seamus a magic car, and to me a pair of earings that were really expensive. I thanked them. It was another amazing christmas.
Meanwhile in Hogwarts...
Angel's pov

"You can't catch me!" I yelled to my boyfriend running down the stairs.

"Oh, i don't think you want to try me"

I smirked and started to run faster. A pair of strong arms were around me and a sensual voice whispered into my ear:

"I catched you"

"What you want to do with me now?"

He pushed me againist the wall.

"There are so many things that i want to do with you Angel" he whispered huskly. Our bodies were pressed together so there was no space between us. He pulled his hands on my waist and started to kiss me hungrily. I kissed back. My hands went into his hair. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I accepted it and our togues danced together. I felt a bulge in his pants and smirked.

"Horny much?" I asked him.

"I could ask you the same thing"

"I would take you right here but someone may see us so better no"

"In that case, it is a pity but it will be for another time" i said teasing him. He pushed me againist the wall again and kissed me but this time it was a soft kiss and he let me go.

"Merry Christmas Love" he said giving me a little pack. I opened it and gasped. The Slytherin's ring.

"Thank you! It's so beautiful! I love it!!!"

He smiled, a true smile. I hugged him and gave him his present.

"A diary?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, you can comunicate with me with it. The words you write, will be directely into my mind, everything you feel, i will feel it too.


"Do you like it?"

"I love it" he said and we hugged.
Two months later
Ocean's pov

Are three months that Umbridge and her army are trying to descover the room of Requirement. Last day they found out thanks to Cho, that stupid ummm...they took her with force to Umbridge. And she sang like a bird. The best part of all this is when Hermione made appeared on Cho's forehead the written Spy. I hate her so much now, Umbridge added more rules. I hate her detention, she marks you on the skin. I liked pink because she came, now i hate everything pink.

My love for you (a Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Seamus Finnegan love story)Where stories live. Discover now