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Ocean's pov

Hanging out with Seamus was so funny. I liked him a lot. That night, we were going to dinner together holding hands. We sat.

" So, what are you guys talking about?" I asked Harry. He smiled kindly at me and said:


"I would like so much to be part of the team"

"Well, you can try" Harry said smiling. I smiled back.

"I guess i will"

Dumbledore started to speak. Bla, bla, bla...

"I would like to present you one of the ministery, Dolores Umbridge"

From the first time i saw her, i started to hate her with all my heart, the smile she was wearing was so fake that i believe more if i see Voldemort asking Harry Potter to marry him than Umbridge to be happy, she was happy when she tortured someone, i could read it in her cold eyes. She was going to be a real hell for the Griffondors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. An heaven for Slytherins. They could do everything they wanted to.

"It isn't fair!!" I said to Seamus. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Jeez Ocean, calm down, we will overtake this"

" Yeah, maybe you're right"

I said and we hugged.
Angel's pov

"You like her?"

"I didn't say that, i just think she is beautiful" Draco's voice said.

"Well, she's pretty hot"

"She's mine"

"Yeah, so much that she isn't your girlfriend"

"She will be"

"How can you be so sure?"

"I always get what i want and i want her to be with me"

He was in love. With a girl. I wasn't that girl.

I sat on the couch of the Slytherin's common room, i was reading the note of the last year. I love you. That was wrote on it.

" I love you" i whispered closing my eyes.

"What's up Bitch?"

"Are you talking to me?" I asked turning to see Draco.

"Of course, aren't you the Slytherin's slut?"

" I think you confused me with someone else"

"No, i don't think so"

"Why is that?"

"It's your fault, you didn't want us to be friends"

"What? I never said that! You did!"

He came closer to me.

"I tried to kiss you and you rejected me, i think that's clear enough"

"You didn't let me finish! But it doesn't matter anymore" i said leaving in tears.
Ocean's pov

I saw Malfoy hitting his hand againist the wall.

"New hobby Malfoy?"

"Henderson, that's not one of your business"

"Actually it is because you made my sister cry"

"What did you think? I'm the Slytherin's prince, and i can do whatever i want"

"Not to my sister, make her cry again and i swear you won't make it through another day"

" I'm not scary Henderson"

"You should be"

"It's her fault, she rejected me"

"She just wanted it to be a perfect kiss and she didn't want you to kiss her just for pity, but you ruined everything, she likes you, a lot i should add"

"She does?" He asked shocked.


"I like her a lot too."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go to her!!!"
The next day
Draco's pov

I saw Angel coming down the stairs. She was trying hard to not cry.

"The slut is here" i said smirking.

"Why are you keeping calling me like that?"

Her eyes were watery. If it was another person, she would break him or her without thinking twice. But no with me. I took her by an arm to the Slytherin's common room.

"What are we doing here?"

"Angel, i'm sorry"


"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too" she said smiling weakly.

I pushed her againist the wall and came so close that was no space between us. She looked at me into the eyes and then she looked at my lips. I did the same and kissed her hard. She kissed me back. I put my hands on her waist while her hands were in my hair.

We pulled away and she said:

"They say that you're bad news, that you are a mistake but if you're wrong, i don't want to be right"

I smirked and we started making out.

My love for you (a Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Seamus Finnegan love story)Where stories live. Discover now