Chapter 1: My Jolly Sailor Girl (Part 1)

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! ! MAJOR CONTENT WARNING: Discussed and implied sexual assault, please use your discretion when reading ! !

Liam O'Ryan was a beautiful omega man and he knew it. After all, it was his job to be something pretty to come into port to. Liam worked at the Flower Shoppe brothel in the red light district of Malachite Port. He was among the many 'flowers' up for purchase at the brothel. Twenty-five shillings and he was theirs for the night. Less if it was just for a couple of hours or in most cases, a few minutes. He was admired for his attractive looks and flirty behavior. He had many regulars and had been doing this sort of thing for a very long time.

So with that kind of experience, he knew a potential client when he saw one. He could spot them out in a crowd as if he was some sort of hound on a scent trail. But it wasn't really that hard to spot one. All he had to do was flash a winning smile and see who's looks lingered just a bit too long. Or who's faces seemed too red to be from any drinks.

But no one's looks lingered longer than a particular alpha woman, she came into the shop at least once a month. She didn't hire anyone and paid for her drinks. She was polite and kind to every single one of the workers. Liam would sometimes stand on the second level and watch her talk to the others. But the moment she knew he was there, he saw her face turn red and she'd freeze up completely. Opening and closed her mouth periodically as if trying to choke out a word any word at all.

It was cute, like a young girl with a crush. But it had been a year since she started coming here, usually, alphas would work up the courage to at least talk to him after a second or third visit. Especially when Liam would give them a smile and a little wave as he always did. Liam had spoken to her once just asking her to pass him his drink. The woman had been so nervous she nearly split it as she shakily handed it to him. Liam could barely hold back an amused smile as he watched this.

The poor thing was so embarrassed for the rest of the night she saw in the corner stealing looks at him from behind her flat cap. As much as Liam hated to say it, he found this ridiculously cute and thought about it often. She was a cute alpha anyway, she was tall towering over most everyone else but she had that gentle way that Liam loved to see in alphas. So that was why he decided the next time he saw her. He was going to get her, after all, that's what she was here for right? Why couldn't Liam have his fun with a cute alpha like that?

But he had made the decision two months ago and that alpha hadn't shown her face since then. So here he was leaning on the banister watching the floor below annoyed. He had watched the crowd for two months now. Where was she? The last time she was here she tried to talk to him but got too nervous and ran off when one of the other clients laughed at her. Liam had almost beat that beta man to death. The old drunk had no idea how long he had waited for her to work up her courage and he had destroyed it in seconds. Liam had a particular way he liked going about luring clients. It was gentle and wasn't obvious, he had almost had her snagged before that moron spoke up.

Liam was about to give up for the night when he saw a familiar flat green cap and a dark head of hair pulled into a messy bun. She was here! He stood up straight grinning ear to ear. He then descended the stairs just knowing she had been watching him. Liam smiled pleased that he had the idea of wearing his new outfit tonight. He was sure she was red as a tomato looking at him. Liam made it to the landing expecting her to be standing there... But she was gone...?

Where did she go?! He looked around and spotted her take her seat at her usual corner. She was just about to take off her jacket so Liam rushed over. When she noticed him he slowed his pace wanting to look as graceful as possible. Sure he was a whore but he wanted to look classy. At least to her... This alpha had been dangled in front of Liam for ages now. He wasn't about to ruin the 'romance' of it just because he got too impatient. She had just sat down and looked up to see Liam approaching, he smiled when his dark red painted lips attracted her attention.

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