Chapter 1: My Jolly Sailor Girl (Part 4)

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It fit...? He pushed the door open and a low fire was burning in the fireplace of the living room. Darcy must have set it hours ago. He looked around holding the key close to his chest. Everything... Everything was exactly how Liam wanted it. The wallpaper... The rug... the walls lined with bookshelves filled to the brim with books. "Is something wrong?" Darcy asked standing behind him, "Why is this all for me?" Liam asked his eyes growing wet with tears. Almost dazed he wandered inside followed by Darcy. There was a comfortable couch in front of the fireplace with two large chairs to sit in. A grandfather clock in the corner, a cherry wood just like how he always wanted.

He took large strides across the room to the bookshelf as Darcy sat the bags and chests in the living room next to the door before closing it. He looked over seeing her lock the door behind her. He then grabbed a book from the shelf flipping through it, it was a philosophy book that Liam wanted to read for a long time. "Are you alright?" Darcy asked stretching. Liam stared at her, her form looking blurry through his tears so he wiped his eyes. "No." He said getting choked up. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked concerned, Liam felt his bottom lip quiver. "Yeah." He sniffled.

Darcy walked across the room and Liam grabbed her wrapping her arms around him. "What?" She asked concerned, "You picked me!" He sobbed hugging her tightly. His legs gave out as he clung to her sobbing, Darcy supported him as he wailed like a hit child. He couldn't help it, he couldn't believe that all of this was real and just for him. Darcy scooped him into her arms and sat on the couch with him. Liam held onto the philosophy book as if it was made of gold. He buried his face under Darcy's chin and choked out some sobs. "Yo... You picked me out of every omega in Malachite Port." He sniffled as he calmed down enough to talk. "Why?" He asked pathetically. He needed something even if it was a terrible reason it was fine. He wanted to know.

"Because I love you," Darcy replied, Liam let out a bitter laugh without meaning to. "I'm beginning to think either you don't know what that means or everyone else has lied when they've said it to me." He remarked curling up in Darcy's grip. "I know that love means Liam." Darcy said softly, "Enlighten me." Liam couldn't help but remark. He felt her grip tighten on him, "It's... It's feeling happy when I'm coming into port to see you. Not because of sex but because I've missed hearing your voice." Darcy said softly, "It's listening to you talk about your books and not knowing anything you're talking about. But wanting to listen to more because of how happy it makes you." Darcy continued, "It's the feeling I get when I saw you come down those stairs for the first time and every time after." Darcy added burying her face into his hair.

"Prettier than a sunrise." She mumbled, speechless Liam laid there covering his mouth feeling like an ass. She was so sweet... She was so good and he was so bad. But he wanted to be good, he wanted to be good for her. Liam turned onto his stomach hugging Darcy tightly. He'd be a good husband, he swore that to himself. He'd be a husband that Darcy would be proud of having. The two of them ended up falling asleep on the couch, a funny thing in a house as big as that, and they chose the one place closest to the door. It seemed that both of them had a lot of adjusting to do when it came to this house.

Liam didn't know what time it was when he woke up, but the fire had died down. Sleepily he got up putting more logs on it to get it going again. He heard movement behind him and saw that Darcy was awake as well. "Hope it wasn't too uncomfortable love." He joked, Darcy rubbed her neck wincing a bit. "It's fine." She said standing up, "Slept in worse places..." She mumbled just as the fire began to crackle to life.

She sat her hat down on a table and undid her bun, her wavy hair trickled down her shoulders as she slipped off her jacket. Liam stared always loving the sight of her hair down. Alpha women with long hair was a rare sight, it was also a very beautiful one too. At least Liam thought so. Darcy looked over at him tilting her head in confusion. "Liam?" She asked as he walked over embracing her, "Nothing's wrong love." He reassured her. "Okay." Darcy hugged him back tightly. They parted from the embrace and Darcy smiled. "Do you want to see the rest of the house?" She asked looking excited to show him.

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