Ch 3: Choking on Flowers (Part 2)

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Fritz rushed into the room, he looked like he was going to yell but he froze. Mars sat up and grabbed a napkin to wipe her mouth. Blood was still on the corner of her lips. She had just thrown up a few minutes ago.

"Mars?" Fritz asked softly, "Sir you need to leave you can't be in here." The nurse tried to pull Fritz out but he jerked his arm out of the nurse's grip. "Yes, I can that's my wife!" Fritz exclaimed, the room went silent, the nurse, knowing exactly who the both of them were stared in shock. Luisa looked furious and looked over at Mars.

"He's not lying," Mars spoke up breaking the silence. Fritz looked satisfied and Luisa looked over and glared openly, "Call security." She told the nurse. "What?" Both Mars and Fritz asked at the same time. "He's your husband? Your mate?" Luisa asked, "Yeah." Mars replied. "He has no business being around you then!" The doctor exclaimed, "Yes I do that's my wife-!" Fritz tried to argue but Luisa snapped her head in his direction. "You're the reason why your wife is dying!" She shouted furiously.

The anger was reasonable, Mars even saw judgment and disgust from the nurse. To have a mate who was dying of RMS (rejected mate syndrome) did not speak well of how she had been treated. Usually, cases like Mars only happened in severe domestic abuse situations. But, that wasn't the case... Mars... Mars just wanted to be with Fritz so badly that it was killing her. She was over-rutted anyway which put her at a higher risk for something like this.

But it wasn't Fritz's fault, that wasn't fair to call it his fault. He didn't know, and it's not like they actually got along the two of them rubbed each other the wrong way if they spoke for too long. Every conversation always ended in arguments. Mars was just as much at fault as he was for starting them. She had no idea why she'd do it half the time, she just... Wanted him to look at her. Even if it meant he was screaming at her.

Fritz's pointing finger dropped and he looked horrified. "W... What...?" He asked his face was blanched, and Luisa stared, "He didn't know did he?" She asked not looking at Mars. "No." Mars sighed. "Well, he is your husband." Luisa threw their words back at them. "I guess he has a right to know." The doctor seemed more than happy to fill Fritz in. She grabbed the chart and opened it up. "Your wife." Luisa stressed the word wife, "Is dying from Rejected Alpha Syndrome, she has one of the last warning signs called flowering cough. If it gets worse, she'll choke to death on her own blood." Luisa explained frankly and without any sensitivity at all.

The doctor had seen Mars for months now, Luisa and she had gotten to be pretty good friends. The beta woman was furious and now that she had a face to attach to this invisible mate... She was letting everything out on him.

Fritz stared at Luisa before looking at Mars, his mouth hung open and he took a step towards Mars but Luisa and the nurse stood in the way. "Sir. If you go near your wife it could activate the antibodies in her system and have them attack her body even more." Luisa explained. "I... I can't even touch her?" Fritz leaned over Luisa's shoulder to look at Mars.

Mars stared at him before looking out the window. It was such a nice day outside...

"Ideally you shouldn't even be in the same room as her," Luisa explained, Fritz seemed to break just from hearing that. Large tears rolled down his face, "I'm killing her?" he asked in a weak voice that didn't suit him at all. The anger from Luisa seemed to fade and she sighed. "Not exactly." She replied, "Your behavior around her... It's sent signals to Mars's body which actives the cells and they start attacking her body." Luisa explained in a much calmer tone. "There are several theories about why it does this. But the most popular one is to prevent unwanted mating. It's like an evolutionary safety net." Luisa tried to soothe him.

It was hard to be angry at an omega in tears.

"That doesn't sound like a safety net at all!" Fritz exclaimed before he covered his mouth and choked out a sob. "I..." Fritz whimpered, "I'm killing my mate..." he sobbed letting out a heartbreaking noise. He slowly sunk to his knees, Mars who had been ignoring the situation sat up and went to get out of the bed. Everything in her wanted to hold him. "Mars no!" Luisa tried to get in Mars's way as she stood up, but the beta woman wasn't much of an obstacle and Mars pushed her to the side. Luisa stumbled back and braced herself against a nearby stand to regain her balance.

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