Ch 5: The Boss Wants To Have A Child (Part 7)

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Warning: Mentions of body dysmorphia, negative body image, bigotry, and death

Dinner was eaten quietly, neither of them was mad. They were just tired, when they washed the dishes together Thomas spoke. "Harriet." He said softly, "I won't bring this up again." he told her, Harriet looked over at him startled. "Thomas..." She started to say but Thomas spoke, "I'd rather grow old and childless with you than to ever see you hurt the way you have been over this." Thomas said softly. "But it hurts you." Harriet sighed. "It doesn't matter." Thomas replied softly, "it does to me." Harriet replied.

The two of them chuckled bitterly.

"Look at us, we're fighting for the opposite of what we want." Thomas said exasperated, "I don't think we fight as much as we think we do." Harriet remarked. "I suppose not." Thomas replied, "I've never seen you that angry before." He observed remembering the way Harriet had screamed at her fathers. "They had said some really hurtful things about you previously. It pissed me off." Harriet deadpanned.

"They knew I didn't want to see them and they still came all this way just to insult you." She sighed looking up at the ceiling. "I thought they were better than what they are. I guess I was still just a little girl looking at her fathers' best sides without seeing who they were." She spoke sounding exhausted. "So they really don't like me based on the way I look?" Thomas asked.

"That's partly the reason, they also seem to think you're actually an alpha and you've somehow lied to me." Harriet replied, "They don't seem to understand that I don't care about that." She added. "But the biggest reason is they had someone in mind." She looked at Thomas when she said this.

"Previously I had been open to the idea of matchmaking which had caused this issue in the first place. But after we got together I guess it ruined whatever plans they had." Harriet sighed rolling her eyes. "What were those?" Thomas asked, "They never liked me moving to Stone Valley across the country. I guess they thought, well honestly I had said if there was the right person I would move back home. But I had only said that to placate them." Harriet explained.

Thomas had been rinsing off dishes as Harriet put them into the dishwasher after being handed them as they spoke. Thomas looked over at Harriet who looked back at him. "Now I wonder why you'd want to stay here?" He asked a bit playfully, Harriet smiled. "It's a mystery." She replied before taking a breath.

"Thomas..." Harriet spoke, "Yes?" He asked softly, "We should go to counseling." She suggested, Thomas's lips twitched. "Yeah." He replied agreeing with her. Today proved that the subject of children was a sore subject in their partnership. Harriet seemed pleased and then closed the dishwasher after the last dish was put in. "We should also get married." She announced.

Thomas had been wiping his hands with a towel and dropped it on the floor. "What?" He asked feeling his cheeks suddenly burning. Harriet turned around and looked at him. "I want to get married." She declared, "When are you going to ask me?" She pressed looking dead serious. "Why... Why am I the one asking?" Thomas stuttered, "I want to take your last name." Harriet replied as if it was obvious.

"That's not how it works! You can ask!" Thomas exclaimed, "Oh." Harriet replied, "Will you marry me then?" Harriet asked, "Harriet!" Thomas shouted flustered. "Please don't joke about this!" "I'm completely serious."

The two of them joked and teased each other before bed. Today had been a hard day but it seemed that despite any feelings they had. They still loved each other.

Curled up into bed next to one another, Thomas pulled Harriet into his arms. He ran his knuckles down her back as the alpha woman let out a sigh. "We'll start looking for a counselor tomorrow Harry." he told her, "I'm so sorry about today." he apologized again, "Thomas." Harriet sighed, she looked up at him. "Why are you apologizing? My fathers were very hurtful today." She asked, Thomas, smiled a bit.

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