Ch 3: Choking on Flowers (Part 1)

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Content warning: Blood, medical illness, toxic relationships, and talks about death

The flashing of lights on the red carpet filled Mars's vision, it was a star-studded night at the Diamond City Actor's guild awards ceremony. Mars Silversmith, an alpha woman best known for her villainous roles, was among the many in attendance. She spotted Misha Nikolai with an alpha woman as his date. Earlier she had seen Jessica Walk and Samuel Rogers together. Everybody that was anybody was here.

As she spoke to the interviewers she scanned the crowd looking for someone in particular. A snide voice from behind her made her head snap in the direction of the source. "I see they just let anyone onto the red carpet these days." A snobby tone came out of a sneering omega man. Fritz Oscar stood there with his arms folded, Fritz was best known for his dramatic roles as a sensitive omega lead. Mars turned to the startled interviewer and smiled. Everyone knew how Fritz and Mars got when around each other. But it seemed that the interviewer was surprised that Fritz had the gall to interrupt the interview just to be a bitch.

"Yes, but I suppose it's not that hard to sneak under a velvet rope being as short as you are," Mars replied without missing a beat. Fritz sneered and glared hatefully at Mars, "Listen here you-." Fritz went to say but Mars stopped him with a smile. "Cameras are rolling Fritzie." Mars said grinning. Fritz gritted his teeth and glowered,  "Fuck you." he hissed through clenched teeth.

"Maybe later darling," Mars said casually waving as she walked off. She headed inside of the theatre before turning a corner and heading into a single stall bathroom. Humming to herself, Mars closed the door but didn't lock it. She looked at herself in the mirror straightening up bits and bobs of her outfit. Mentally counting to twenty as she did, she hadn't even reached twenty before she heard fast-paced walking and looked over just in time to see it slam open.

Standing at the door stood Fritz who was breathless from clearly running over here. Mars snorted behind her hand at him, "Not even a minute Fritzie?" She teased, Fritz's face turned redder and he glared furiously. "Shut up!" he snapped shutting the door behind him and locking it.

Everyone knew about Fritz and Mars hating each other, the two of them did very little to hide their animosity for each other. Fights and screaming matches on set and in public. They fought with each other like cats and dogs. Even seeing each other in passing always ended in some sort of argument.

Mars, who was standing near the sink watched with amusement as Fritz rushed across the small bathroom. He grabbed Mars and pressed her against the wall. Mars stared down at the slightly shorter omega man amused. "Oh no, I've been had." She chuckled, "I said shut up." He snarled pulling her face down and kissing her hungrily. There was a sigh of relief followed shortly by a moan of pleasure as Mars wrapped her arms around his hips pulling him close. The alpha woman smiled into the kiss finding this all too amusing.

While it was true Fritz and Mars didn't get along, there was a reason why the public had never met their significant others despite both of them being marked and married. That reason was simple despite all the theories online and individuals claiming to be their husbands or wives.

Fritz and Mars were each other's mates.

At this point, they had been married for two years recently celebrating their anniversary by arguing with each other in a local nightclub. From Mars's perspective, Fritz ran up to her and started yelling randomly. But according to Fritz, which he made sure she heard his side of the story, she had been flirting with other omegas on their anniversary. How could she do that? Fritz screamed at her as he recounted his perspective of events. Mars's ears still rang a bit from his shrill shouts. Her surprise of roses and Fritz's favorite wine just seemed to make him angrier afterward. Though that time Mars was genuinely trying to celebrate with him.

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