The Tape (chapter 2)

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Jay POV 

I lay on my bed as the security guard walk back and forth outside my prison cellar, taking shifts. As if I'm a big enough threat…I didn't even rob (or attempt to rob) the bank!

I reach under my pillow and get the round marble I found in the corner recently and decided to keep it for my entertainment. I catch the marble as I bounce it against the rock wall.

I don't deserve this! I didm't even rob the stupid bank!

I throw the marble hard against the wall and it bounces back too fast and hits me in the arm. Then it falls off my arm and starts bouncing furiously off the floor to the walls.

The security guard outside my cell stiffen and reach for his beating stick and gun.

"Relax." I say annoyed. I get up from the rock bed and pick up the marble ball gently as if the slightest squeeze will diffuse the "bomb" inside of it.

He releases his grip on gun, but he holds onto his beating stick and remains a little stiff.

"Oh RELAX Jerry." I say, walking back to the rock they call a bed.

"That's Officer Golde to you!" Jerry shouts.

I scoff. "Oh please Jerry,"

"Why don't you shove--" Jerry starts ranting angrily, but stops.

I listen closely and can hear a faint trace of static from the comms in his right ear.  He breathes out hard and says, "Got ya." to the person.

He then turns to me with a look in his eye that looks like he wants to finish what he was saying before, and do it himself.

I'd like to see him TRY.

He turns the key into the lock and struggles to turn the key. Finally he yanks the key out, and slams the bars open.

He grabs me and shoves me in front of him roughly. I reach a room that has stalls and chairs  and telephones. Jerry pushes me down into a seat and leaves.

I look in front of me and squint due to the bright light on the other side. I'm used to the dark.

When my eyes finally adjust I see Lisa Fernandez on the other side of the glass, sitting cross-legged in a chair.

"Hello, Jay. I see you have been skipping out on your sleep. AGAIN." Lisa says in a stern tone.

"You're not my MOTHER. Lisa." I say the first part rudely, but finish with an effort to sound nice.

If I wanna win the court case, I need to learn to be nice like I once was. Prison changes people.

Prison changed me.

She clears her throat.

"Anyways Jay, I just wanted to tell you that the trail is in a few weeks, so you should just…be prepared. Review your story ing our head…you never know if you're gonna forget it." She says in a tight voice.

I breathe out in disbelief. "You really don't think I'm innocent…do you?"

"Well, let's just say whatever happened, it didn't look so good." She replies back, choosing her words carefully.

"You're my lawyer, you're supposed to believe I'm innocent!" I say back, trying to control my anger.   "Yeah that's my professional opinion. But as m opinion as a mother; I'd want you killed." She says with a scary look in her eye.

There is a silence.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I outburst.

"You killed a woman, broke $50,000 windows, and plan on blaming this all on your brother. You are a sick man." She replies unable to make eye contact with me because she is too ashamed to be defending an animal as she just described.

"Well excuse me! Why don't you look up my records, family background check, do ALL the searching you want! Yet, you won't find find ONE thing that proves I would do anything as RECKLESS as that robbery! First off, I got into Brown which a FANTASTIC college to get into. Second, I wouldn't be that sloppy." I say angrily.

She looks at me stunned for a moment.

"Check my brother's records first before you, my LAWYER, start accusing me of shit I have not done."   "Well fine Mr. INNOCENT." She says with an obnoxious tone that grown ups should not use ever. "We'll just look at the tapes."

~Selena POV~

I hop onto my bus early and greet my bus driver with a smile. "Hello Earl,"

"Hi, there, Selena," He says back a Tennessee accent.

I walk down the aisle and to the back of the bus. I set my stuff down and wait for more people to come. I like to come early because I can always get a good seat and I usually listen to music before talking to my friends.

I start humming to my iPod which is on shuffle and happens to be one of my favorite songs; Magic by One Direction:

"B-b-baby come on over I don't care if people find out--dada da dada da dadada--they say that we're no good together, that we're never gonna work out." I sing.

I look out of the window and see the big blue eyes jerk starting to walk towards the buses.


And yet he walks straight through the door and onto the bus, scanning the seats. I slink back into my seat. He just had to be on my bus…didn't he?

He looks like he is heading for the back…until his eyes meet mine. And he just immediately sits in whatever seat near him.

Gee thanks.

All the kids pour onto the bus, and the bus drives away quickly towards home, yet it feels like it isn't quick enough.


"Jay!" Lisa shouts, and walks to my cellar so fast that I am surprised she hasn't fell on her face with her five inch heels on.

"Yes?" I answer, walking towards the bars.

She taps her foot impatiently like she does when she is contemplating something, making a clicking noise every time she does so.

"What is so important that you didn't meet me by the telephones?" I ask curiously.

"I watched the video." She blurts, and I can tell she is shocked by her sudden loss of control, considering her profession.

"And…?" I prompt, waiting to be told that I was right and receive an apology.

"It seemed like…" She pauses, unsure how to put what she wanted to say into words.

"Like?" I ask again.

She thinks hard before  she says the words that win over the jury on my case,

"Like he WANTED to get caught."

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