Meeting the Brat (chapter 1)

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A/N: Heyy guys! Sorry it took so long to upload...I'm doing this in class right now haha :)

Welll, i just wanted to say that I hope you guys enjoy this...and please can someone make a cover?? :D



-_- Nathan POV -_-

I walk through the front double doors of Satan's Lair on earth in a crappy place called: Elm High School. I don't even understand why I even bothered to come back.

So what? I didn't graduate and get my fu*king diploma...I had better things to do. The tests were a joke, and come on, we both know I'd never graduate with my attendance record. Instead of going back to school to redo my senior year, I could have went to jail for taking the blame for the unsuccessful robbery attempt I did two months ago four days after the graduation I didn't go to. But JAY went, JAY. Jay with the best grades, Jay with his positive attitude, Jay the valedictorian. Jay the "Perfect" twin. JAY.

It's so sad "he" tried to rob that bank. Guess the pressure of being so perfect got to him.

I look at my surroundings; girls giggling and pointing at me, a big guy beating the crap out of a nerd, and a few couples making out French style behind some dumpsters in the cafeteria.

I do not belong in high school. I am a NINETEEN year old in senior year filled with SEVENTEEN and EIGHTEEN year olds.

So what if I got held back? Like I said before, I had better things to do than school.

I walk straight past all of the freshmen lockers, and turn the corner and see a long hallway with shelves filled to the top with trophies and awards. Wow this school is really into their achievements. I hate this place already.

I quickly scan over my schedule as I walk. Great. I have English class with Ms. Peters in room 308. Honestly, I'd rather have Mrs. Twern soon-to-be Ms. Gogler because of her divorce. She doesn't have to change her last name back, but once I heard a kid asked her and she went ape shit. She almost got fired. But the bitch stayed.

Mrs. Twern is strict and bitter whereas Ms. Peters is 23 year old and sweet and cheerful; all colorful rainbows and magical unicorns. It's disgusting.

I look at the room numbers on top of the door frames and see room 401.

How is that possible...?

Wow, I walked up a flight of stairs while I was so absorbed in my thoughts. I backtrack down the staircase I took, make a right, a few rooms down, and through the bright pink painted room to hell on earth filled with "pretty" butterflies and wide smiles.

~Selena POV~

Ah...English with Ms. Peters! I love this class! I love English, I love Ms. Peters, and I love how I have this class first period! It starts off my day on such a bright note!

I skip into the room humming to myself, and see a big muscular boy who looks way too old for High School, with electric blue eyes and a cute face sitting in my seat.

"Um, excuse me." I say confused to this HULK. "I'm sorry but you are sitting in my seat."

"Your seat?" He asks, eyebrows raised.

Wow, I can already tell he is a jerk.

I nod aggravated and "apologetically" in a bitchy way.

"How is this your seat? School just started." He replies obnoxiously.

"Yeah…ten days ago." I snap, emphasizing the number.

"Alright," He says, clearly in no mood to deal with this right now.

As he walks away, I could swear I hear him mutter "Brat."

-_- Nathan POV -_-

"Brat." I mutter under my breath.

I don't care whether or not she heard me. A classic brat that has everything she wants, a bunch of friends, a perfect life. Like Jay did.

The bell rings and everyone rushes through the door and into their seats, licking their fingers clean from donuts a brunette handed out in the hallway. It takes a few seconds for them to settle down.

"Alright class," Ms. Peters chirps. "Who can tell me where we last left off?" She looks around the room and says, "Oh" And she smacks her head sillily. "Class, let's please welcome Nathan Parks to our class." And she smiles like a person who belongs in the mental institution.

"Hello Nathan." Some of the class says all together in a monotone.

"Hi." I say back, the same amount of monotone in my voice.

The bratty girl raises up her hand, and Ms. Peter calls on her. "Yes Selena?"

God, even her name is jappy. I'll have to be steering clear from her. I'm on a mission. And it will be completed whether I have to kill 20 dogs to do it in the process. 

"We last left off on Romeo and Juliet Act III scene II." She says with a smile.

Let me guess; she is Juliet.

"Oh, that's right Juliet!" Ms. Chirps says back smiling too.


A student in the class raises their hand and asks, "Is Selena's father and mother who I think they are?"

Selena rolls her eyes. She is probably annoyed of constantly hearing of her mother and father. I know the feeling of constantly being reminded of a family member. My perfect brother. Jay.

"Yes." She mumbles.

"You're mother is working on Jay Parker's case?" The kid asks excitedly.

Jeez kid, you're in high school, act like it.

"Yes." Another mumble.

"And your father owns that bank?" The kid asks.

I lean forward in my seat.

Suddenly, I'm interested.

"Yes." She replies.

She sounds like she has answered these questions a million times before.

"I'm Selena Fernandez."

Oh shit.


The next few classes flew by--math, bio, history...all of which I shared with Selena.

Yeah...the fun in that.

I just kept a distance in between us, and observed. She seems to be that person that everyone loves and is a teacher's pet....but not one of those annoying nerdy ones, the one that is perfect and everyone seems to be adoring her more for it....if that's even possible.

"Hey Sel!" Some girls shout from down the hallway, waving.

"Hey guys!" She yells back as she starts walking towards them.

"Hi Selena." A shy freshmen says from behind her hair by a locker.

"Hi," Selena says back giving a cheerful smile and a little wave to the girl.

I walk away from her quickly, leaving behind her the perfect movie life.

But watch out little Selena; there's a storm heading straight for YOU.

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