Chapter fifteen

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Kai sat in the back of an Taxi, thanking that he was finally out from the prison world. "you ever worn skinny jeans?" He asked the driver bored "Ah. it seems wrong. I'm all bunched up, Also why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?" he asked pulling out his new phone.

The driver sighed "I don't know what to tell ya pal"

"Oh, god" Kai groaned "I'm that guy, right. that guy that wont shut up. I hate that guy. I just sat next to that guy on the plane. He was the worst" Kai whined but then leaned forward "Hey, speaking of planes have you flown recently?" Kai asked the driver "Because what's with the whole liquid situation? and stripping before you go through security thing? Its weird" Kai rambled.

"They're worried about terrorists" The driver answered like Kai was stupid.

"Okay. well, I'm sorry, but the real terrorists are some of those people taking off their shoes" Kai leaned back and went on his phone while the driver looked through the mirror at the top thinking that Kai was strange.

"I know, I'm chatty" Kai grinned looking up from his phone "sorry, I've just been in prison for a while" Kai blurted out like it was normal and the driver had a wired look on his face "well, not like a regular prison more like a..." Kai was stopped by the car stopping and the driver interrupting him.

"Alright we're here" the driver said.

"Special kind of-"

"That'll be 30" the driver interrupted again.

"All right" Kai said looking in his jeans for money "Uh, take this" Kai said handing him a note and then looking more into his pocket "hang on, I got it" and then grinned as he pulled stuff out from his pocket "oh hey gum, nice" Kai said placing it in his mouth.

"come on, buddy i don't have all day. Lets go" the Driver urged annoyed by Kai's presence.

"I got it. Hold on" Kai said pulling out some wired ear phones "huh. well i guess this will do" and then he wrapped the earphones around the drivers neck making him pass out. then he got out the car and peaked into the front window and tapped the car "Thankyou" Kai said and walked away.

Rain walked into the bar to find the top bit broken off and a body on the floor "what the hell?" Rain muttered to herself as she ran over to the body.

Her eye's widen to see Kai "Oh, my god" she put her hand to her mouth as tears formed in her eyes "Kai, Kai" she said shaking his body "wake up" she said as tears fell down her face and his body began to move and a noise of pain left his mouth.

He opened his eyes to see Rain with a happy smile on her face and tears fall out her eyes "hey, sweetheart" he said gritty voice still in slight pain. She leant down and gave him a hug and he returned it and then puled back to sit up properly.

"I cant believe your here" Rain laughed wiping the dry tears on her face. Kai smiled and leaned over and kissed her like his life depended on it.

"God, I missed you" He mumbled against her lips and then pulled away. "We have to go" Kai said standing up and Rain followed with a confused expression.

"where?" she asked and he gave her a smirk and she new where this lead. he was going to hurt someone "Kai, no" Rain spoke sternly and he just rose an eyebrow.

"Sweetheart I'm not going to majorly hurt anyone" Kai reassured and Rain hesitantly nodded and they were going to walk out but Rain stopped.

"Wait" Rain said making Kai turn back with a questioned look "Is Bonnie back?" Rain asked hopeful and excited.

"I- no" Kai sighed and his heart breaking slightly seeing Rain body drain.

"How did you get back?" she asked and he walked up to her and put his two hands on her face.

"Ill tell you okay just don't freak out, okay?" He said and she nodded and he explained everything that had happened since Damon and her had left the prison world.

Rain took a step back from what had happened "you just left her there?" she asked and Kai had a pained expression on his face from the hurt look that Rain had on. "Kai, I saw you in the cave and i knew you were angry but- I just" Rain sighed "you are going to have to help me get her back" Rain looked him in the eye and he nodded instantly.

"can we go now?" Kai asked softly and she nodded. He grabbed her hand and they walked out and Kai asked if she could drive to the graveyard which was just outside Mystic Falls.

Finally they arrived to find Damon and Elena talking about Bonnie "Wait, are you guys talking about Bonnie Bennet?" Kai asked scaring Elena and Damon. "because honestly, I didn't think she was all that great" Kai said and put his hand up which made the Ascendant in Elena's hand hit the tree and break into pieces.

"Kai what the hell?" Rain said in anger and Kai turned to her and gave her a look which she could read as 'trust me'. She did and stepped back.

"No" Elena said running to the pieces of the Ascendant and Damon stood up with an angry look.

"I am going to enjoy the hell out of this" Damon said then vamp sped over to him but was stopped by Kai by doing his pain inflicting spell making Damon fall to the floor.

"Oh hey, me to. Oh yeah Damon I, uh- stole some of Liv's magic when I tried to kill her. I think some of it may still be in my system" Kai said walking around Damon and Rain looked over at them not knowing what to do. "So, pardon me"

Kai said as Damon got dragged back and Rain knew now and she ran over to try and help him while Kai walked over to Elena "stop him Rain" Damon begged.

"I cant" Rain gulped "Just, you have to stop him" she said and Damon nodded. He was a bit hurt but he understood where she was coming from.

Damon stood up and vamp sped over to Kai to try and get him but he turned invisible but Damon turned and hit Kai hard making him go across the magic border.

Rain ran over to Kai while Damon and Elena stood opposite. Rain gave Damon a guilty look while he just looked pissed off.

Kai pointed at the line in the gate "this must be the anti- magic border" Kai said out of breath and put one of his hands into Rain's "which means now there's a psycho lose in Mystic Falls" Kai grinned knowing that they cant stop him "and no vampires around to stop him. whoops" Kai said and started walking back wards into the town

Kai and Rain were in the Lockwood mansion waiting for Tyler "why do u want Tyler?" Rain asked but before she could be answered the door opened and Kai put down his drink and stood up.

"I think Gin gets a bad rap" Kai said walking towards him with a glass bottle and once Tyler notices who it is he quickly gets into action but Kai smashes the end of the bottle and puts it to Tyler's neck making him freeze.

"I'd rather not kill you. But i will" Kai said with a serious face and Tyler knew for sure who it was.

"what the hell do you want?" Tyler asks and takes a glance over to Rain and his face drops slightly.

"This is gonna sound crazy. But I wanna save Liv's life" Kai said moving the sharp glass away from Tyler's neck and he looked at him confused "Feel like making a deal with the devil?" Kai asks with a wicked grin and then walks over to Rain and put his arm around her waist.

Authors note:

Hi my lovely's,

Okay so short Chapter for today because I have stuff coming up so might update less over the next couple of weeks but hope you like it :)

Anyways I want to know who you see as Rain because I'm quite curious.

Hope you have a brilliant day and night xx

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