Chapter Twenty-Five

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Rain fluttered open her eyes as she heard a knocking at the door and a irritating sounds of a hoover going off. Softly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as she threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts. Rain walked down the stairs to the door and saw Lily talking to Damon.

"Lucy darling could you come clean the welcome mat, this man was just leaving" Lily said as she was about to close the door.

"B. no I'm not" Damon stated and Lily raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" Lily questioned in annoyance.

"I think there's been a mix up. see, last night, I was in town square, minding my own business, when i tripped and accidently ripped Malcom's heart out." Rain was shocked by Damon's confession and scoffed.

"Deflecting. Of course" Lily rolled her eyes at her son's words "You never could admit when you were wrong" Lily said closing the door once again before Damon stopped her.

"Okay, wait I admit it. I killed him. I killed him cold blood, just like that" Damon admitted with some humour laced in his words. "Stef and Caroline had nothing to do with it, So if you just kindly let her go" Damon spoke respectfully and Rains face scrunched up with confusion. Caroline's here?

"Malcom was a very powerful Heretic, Damon. I have a hard time believing you acted alone" Lily stated and Damon smirked.

"Well, I'm pretty awesome. In fact, so awesome that I'm such a better hostage than Blondie. So if you'll just swap us out-" Damon was stopped by Rain walking to the front door.

"well I'm sorry Damon but we just don't find you as awesome as you find your self" She smirked as Damon face dropped. Lily was about to close the door but Damon stopped once again and tried to walk into the house but was ultimately stopped by the inviable barrier of not being invited in.

Damon snarled and then looked up "That's odd. Why cant I walk into my own house?" Damon questioned annoyed.

Lily looked at him coldly "Because this is no longer your house and I have the deed to prove it" she says sliding the piece of paper on the table "Now, If you don't mind. I have to go get ready to bury my son" Lily closes the door in Damon's face.

* * * * * * * * * *

Rain was sitting down stairs on the couch with a glass of bourbon listening to Mary-Lou and Nora torturing Caroline. Rain rolled her eyes and vamp sped to her room and grabbed a dress and walked to Stefan's old room and before Mary-Lou could stab Caroline with a pencil, Rain stopped her.

"Mary" Rain said and she stopped and looked to her. "give this to Nora, its more this era and we're about the same size" Rain said with a soft smile holding the black dress up, Mary smiled and took the dress.

Caroline looked to Rain and gave her a pled of help with her eyes, but Rain rolled her eyes and left the room.

Rain walked down to Lily new room. She knocks on the door as she enters. Soft cries come from the bed where Lily is sitting holding a black dress. "Oh Lily" Rain spoke sadly and hugged her.

"Come with us Rain" Lily sniffled and Rain pulled away from the hug and raised an eyebrow "Everyone of my children likes you, and so do I. Your presence will be wanted there." Lily requested and Rain smiled lightly.

"Of course I'll go, now lets get you dressed and ready" Rain said.

* * * * * * * * * *

Finally everyone was ready and left for the cemetery, except for Enzo who was asked to stay at the house in case anyone came.

As they were in the cemetery they walked to the tomb where Elena's coffin was laid, Rain knew what was going to happen but she also knew that she would never let them do anything to hurt her.

They siphoned the cloaking spell and took Elena's coffin, Lily asked Rain to stay with her in the tomb because she knew that Damon was going to come and get her.

Which he did, Damon stormed into the tomb "No" he said quietly but angrily "No, No, No, No, No" Damon said progressively getting angrier and launched the bench across the room smashing it to pieces.

"You always did throw the worst tantrums" Lily announced as she and Rain walked into eye sight for Damon.

"Where is she?" Damon demanded angry.

Lily had a smug look on her face while Rain looked sad and guilty "that's the fun of cloaking spells, Damon. She could be right next to you. Or she could be a million miles away and I'm the only one who knows where she is" Lily smirked while fury filled in Damon more and more.

"You want to punish me for what I did, Fine. Did it. Punish me. Torture me. Kill me for all I care! But leave Elena out of this" Damon yelled trying not to attack them.

"Do you remember when you broke my grandmother vase?" Lily asked calmly

"what?" Damon asked confused

"You were young 10 maybe, You denied it. Even when your father made you cut a switch from the yard..." Lily carried on with the story as Rain stepped out of the Tomb. Seeing Damon's face brought up hard memories for him and seeing the look as he killed Kai.

Rain thought that she should feel good about getting pay back but Elena is also one of her best friends and it pained her. Also for some reason it saddened her to see Damon in pain for losing Elena like that.

Finally Lily walked out and joined the rest of the Heretics but Rain remained seated as Damon vamp sped out of the tomb after her.

"Malcom was a vital part of this family. He meant something to each one of us." Lily said strongly.

"He found me on the streets. He was kind to me something I hadn't felt in years. He was the one who convinced me to meet with Lily." Mary-Lou shared.

"My family wanted me dead. Malcom made sure they didn't succeed" Nora said.

"I hadn't seen beau in a decade. Malcom reunited us" Valarie spoke.

"He was my sounding board. My confidant. My eldest son. Ironic that you took him from me" Lily said angrily.

Damon just stood there for a moment before caving in "alright, Tell me what you want"


I am so sorry for not updating for ages, I have been super busy and now that summers nearly here I'll be updating more frequently.

Hope you all have a great day x

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